In case you assume nothing much happens in August, think again. It is true that people do go on vacation, but you have a great deal of emphasis on money this month. First, the new moon August 2 will have you thinking about money you owe others and money others might owe or give you. The house being lit up rules other people’s money, so it’s very possible you will now apply for a loan, mortgage, refinancing plan, or university financial aid. Or, you may put in a claim for medical or homeowners or renters insurance. By all means, make out applications and send them in.
This new moon will be filled with financial opportunity. Saturn, your ruler, will be in fine angle to this new moon, so this makes it a perfect time to be focused on money. If you are seeking funding, you should be encouraged by the answers you get, and if you owe money, such as for taxes or student loans, you can work out a payment plan that suits your needs. The outcome of actions you take within ten days that follow this new moon August 2 will make you feel more secure and settled for the entire year to come, thanks to Saturn – venture forth. If you are in the process of a divorce and need to find a fair division of property, this new moon will open the door to a settlement that will be agreeable to both sides.
A bigger financial moment will occur at the full moon August 18, which will switch your attention to your salary and savings. A financial matter is reaching a final point, and once that conclusion is reached, you will be able to close that chapter. It appears a new source of income may suddenly appear, too. The planet of unexpected developments, Uranus, will be active and friendly, so you might hear that you are getting a raise or find other ways you can boost your income. There is a very strong indication that you may sell property at this point, or sell contents of a house – yours or someone else’s, such as that of a relative. Or, if you hope to buy furniture or other items for your home, you may find a bargain in August. Opportunity will arrive in a very offhand, unusual way. Indeed, you may find you are at the right place at the right time, with all the right qualifications to take advantage of all.
Don’t push too hard on August 24, when Mars will meet Saturn toe-to-toe. Protect your teeth and bones on this day too by watching where you walk, and keeping hallways and stairways clear and well lit. Also don’t chomp on anything that could harm your tooth enamel, including crunching on ice or hard candy. Doing so could prove expensive to fix if you damage a tooth.
If you are graduating this month, it appears you may get honors at your commencement ceremony. Travel abroad would be outstanding for you if you were away during the week that holds August 22, when Mercury and Jupiter will conjoin for the first time this year. This is a golden, rare day, and because these two planets will fall in Virgo, an earth sign like yours, so you will get a double dip of pleasure. You can alternatively apply this aspect to succeed in other academic goals, such as to defend your thesis or to score a breakthrough in the media, as the subject of a big story, or as the journalist / producer of one.
As a Capricorn, you care about your reputation, and you need to see steady career progress. For that reason, month’s end should bring good news – the alignment of Venus, ruler of your tenth house of honors, achievement, and fame, governing popularity and profit, awards and achievement, will link to good fortune Jupiter on August 26-27. These are outstanding days for opportunity to come up – take seriously any and all offers.
Finish talks as soon as you can in August – Mercury will retrograde August 30 to September 21. You might want to vacation during this time – everyone will miss you, but you’ll be having the time of your life.
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