Monday, 20 March 2017

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You start the month with big changes going on in your career, triggered by the recent solar eclipse, February 26. That eclipse is still bringing news of shifts now and in months ahead. All changes will be positive, so go with them and don’t be tempted to resist. You will have no reason to duck change – embrace it. You will have more say in what will occur in your career than you assume, and your creative thinking will be working overtime. Voice ideas as they come to you, for Neptune will be orbiting near the top of the pinnacle of your chart giving you presence and gravitas. Your face may be on TV or “out there” in magazines, Internet websites, social media, blogs, Instagram, or newspapers.
Friends are holding the keys to a plethora of surprises for you, so keep your schedule open and flexible, for exciting social opportunities will come up in early March, and you’ll want to be and part of all the fun that bubbles up.

Also in early month, money may arrive in your bank account in one large sum, not parsed out like salary, such as from a bonus, commission, insurance payout, or as a bank loan, court settlement, venture capital, or mortgage. This money will emanate from outside your regular earned income and comes from a collaboration of Saturn (savings, prudent money management) and Uranus (innovation, creative use of new technology). These two planets will give you hints of how to increase your income.

A lot will be going on in your life this month, for the full moon will put an emphasis on family, home, or other property that you might be focused on. Saturn will be at hard angle, so you may need to take on the responsibility for the well-being of a family member, or alternatively, you may have an expense regarding your living space. Don’t fret, though, for Pluto, in your house of other people’s money (i.e., loans, mortgage, inheritance, and other such sources), suggests you have more than enough cash to cover any unexpected costs.

Venus will go retrograde on March 4 until April 15, so this is month will not be the time to try an experimental dermatological treatment or plastic surgery, or to change your hair color from brunette to platinum blonde, as a few examples. You can, of course, keep up with regular grooming – the universe does not want you to be a little ragamuffin – just avoid making radical moves. Venus governs all things beautiful, including your face. When Venus sleeps in retrograde, she can’t protect you, and therefore cannot ensure you’ll have the happy results you want to a major change you might make to your appearance. Venus rules Gemini’s fifth house of true love, too, so hold off on an engagement until you get closer to your birthday.

Venus is about to go direct on April 15, but it will take Venus until May 18 to ramp up to former strength. Any type of design or beautification project, or romantic move, would be best instituted after May 18. Your best period in 2017 will be when Mars tours Gemini AND Venus will be moving direct speed, a golden, rare period that will span from May 21 to June 4.

After almost two months of concentration on your career, the universe will provide you balance in terms of fun and lively social activity. The new moon of March 27 will bring new friends to your circle and opportunities to be with large numbers of people. With the new moon, Sun, Uranus (surprise), Mercury (your ruler), and Venus (albeit retrograde, but still somewhat functional) in Aries, you will have half the solar system in your eleventh house of friends, fun, and new contacts. Additionally, you may take on a role in a charity or attend a fundraiser where you’ll meet many stimulating self-made people while you help your favorite cause.

No matter what is on your agenda in late March, make sure you give yourself a break from high-pressure stress. You’ve worked hard; now give yourself time to unwind and relax. Mars will move into Taurus on March 9, and will also promote the idea that it is time to let go and hibernate a little bit. If you work behind closed doors this month, you’ll become impressively creative. By the time you get to the end of May, you’ll be moving at the speed of light. You need to be ready for that busy period, so for now give yourself permission to be in a peaceful place whenever the mood strikes.

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