Monday, 20 March 2017

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This month will bring the last eclipse in a two-year series in Virgo-Pisces that affected you since March 2015. That last eclipse came by as a new moon solar eclipse on February 26. That eclipse will send its influence throughout March as well as into the coming six months. All Pisces will see opportunity arise, but those born within five days of February 26 will feel it more – if that is you, your entire life could now show immediate shifts in lifestyle. Neptune, your ruling planet, was orbiting close to that eclipse, indicating what comes up this month will touch on something deeply personal and important to you, and would likely involve a fabulously creative project.

Your significant other will be your main focus at the full moon in your opposite sign of Virgo, March 12. This full moon will ask you to make a decision about your partner in love or business. Venus and Mars will be in mutual reception, a lovely situation that happens when one planet is in the sign the other planet rules. Venus rules Taurus, and Mars is orbiting in Taurus. Mars rules Aries, and Venus is in Aries. These two planets will partner beautifully, like longtime friends and lovers who will always support one another. Travel should be heavenly after March 12 through May 20, the time Mars will move through Taurus. You may want to travel to a place you used to visit a long time ago and now miss and want to see again.

Venus will retrograde from March 4 to April 15, and not return to usual strength until May 18. Venus is the natural ruler of two important houses for you, Pisces: your house of other people’s money and the other, the house of contracts. In both areas, you will see a slowdown. Venus will hold down profits and negotiations, so it will be vital to delay signing your contracts until end of May, or at the earliest, end of April.

Mercury will be retrograde from April 9 to May 3 anyway, and in the Pisces solar chart, Mercury rules your partnerships. No matter how you examine this cosmic situation, the message is the same: it will be unwise to take on any new venture now, especially one involving a partner.

Venus also rules love and your appearance, too, so it would be best to put off an engagement, major party, or scheduling any radical changes to your looks. It is fine to follow regular grooming appointments, but no plastic surgery or invasive dermatologist treatments. Venus retrograde may hold up important wires and checks, so be sure to send reminder invoices – no need to be shy.

The universe will be sending mixed messages, for on March 27, the new moon in Aries and the ten days to follow would typically be the most important time of 2017 to see an increase in your salary or fees. This new moon will have powerful help from Pluto, and a friend may make an important introduction for you now that proves to be a lucrative contact, or help you get funding you need.

On the other hand, Saturn will be in hard angle to this new moon, March 27, indicating the work that is offered to you at this point in the month (and the year) will be prestigious but represent a need to put in a strenuous effort. In fact, the work you do now may test the very depths of your talents – an exciting prospect. Considering all you will need to do to fulfill the role, you may feel you would not be justly compensated – even if the fee were large. That can be sometimes, but with Venus retrograde, profits will be slow to come – but it will come.

As you get involved with the work (should you take it), you will learn a great deal, and be able to establish your reputation on a new, higher level. You would be able to use the success you achieve with this work to win more sophisticated, complex work in the future, so keep the faith – this work may be worth your consideration.

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