March will be the best moment of 2017 to do financial management. Just a few days earlier, last month on February 26, you experienced a solar eclipse in your eighth house of other people’s money, indicating you may be receiving a large, one-time payment of cash. It may have come as a bonus, commission, insurance payout, gift, sale of an artistic creation, an inheritance, game show prize, college scholarship or financial aid, or another source. Or your windfall could alternatively come as a major loan, infusion of venture capital or as a jumbo mortgage. No matter what source the money will emanate from, it will likely allow you to fulfill a dream you’ve long held in your heart.
You may be finished with your financial calculations by the full moon March 12. Pluto will be helpful, and it seems that you will have special luck with government and other institutional grants and sources of funding. If you were doing your taxes at this time, you may owe less than you assumed or may even qualify for a refund.
Mars will begin to circulate in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement from March 9 to April 21, a key time to get the eye of a VIP and ask about opportunities for advancement. You have a bit of a conundrum, however, in that Venus, the planet that rules your tenth house of fame, prestige, and honors, will be retrograde during the same time, from March 4 to April 15.
During this time, you may be offered a position but decide not to take it because it may not feel right for you or because the timing might be off. Or, a person from your past may come to you who you almost worked with once, but did not come to agreement – in that case you might resume those talks now. Generally, however, it’s best not to commit to anything new just yet. You can explore possibilities, but you would be wise to put off a final decision until after May 18, the date Venus will not only be direct but also be back to former strength.
A potentially tough day will be on March 17 when the Sun, your ruler, will be in hard angle to Saturn, the latter now touring your romantic sector, and also ruling your creative efforts. Don’t take risks in love, and physically, don’t overdo, for your energy may be low or your emotions a bit drained. If an authority figure that you admire criticizes you, take it as a tip for how to do better work, but don’t allow this person to torpedo your self-esteem.
Travel may be the most fun part of the month, and even though it appears to be done for business, it certainly will be refreshing. Triggered by the new moon, March 27, you will have five heavenly bodies in your ninth house of international relationships: the Sun (authority), the new moon (opportunity), Venus (fun), Uranus (spontaneity, surprise), and Mercury (news). This indicates you will have a lot of emphasis on travel or intense discussions with people abroad, very possibly who work in media. You may be writing or producing a story, or be the subject of it, and either way, that attention will raise your profile and add to your reputation. The fires of love will be fanned by travel too in late month, so if the opportunity strikes, take it.
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