Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Pack your bags, dear Aries, as it looks like you’ll be hitting the road. With graceful Venus, the mighty Sun, new moon all crowded into your third house of quick travel, and with the new moon in Gemini, 14 degrees, a double-bodied sign, you may be taking two trips, or one long airplane ride, but driving to two cities once you get there.

Neptune will be up to his old tricks, causing confusion at this new moon, so be sure you have accurate addresses, solid directions, and a paper map in case your GPS is not working properly. The ruler of Gemini, Mercury, will be in your earned income house, so it appears you will be traveling for business. You may be able to make overtime money, or if you are in sales, you will come back with the order. Mercury was retrograde last month, but is now moving direct, and will be receiving beams from generous, jovial Jupiter, a wonderful sign of success coming from your trip and the actions you take on it. A new moon will always affect you for two weeks, but the closer you plan your actions on or after the date of the new moon, the stronger the moon’s energy will be for you, and in this case, the happier you will be. Work, however, will be interfering with your meticulous plans for a holiday, and the load seems heavy. Saturn will oppose that moon, so you may feel frustrated that you have to complete much before you can head out the door.

On one of your trips, you may travel to see your sister or brother, as Gemini rules both. This would be great fun, and perhaps, because good fortune Jupiter is singling out Mercury for special attention, you might stay at a luxury resort (or your sibling’s house may be so pretty you will feel like you are staying at a resort.)

If your birthday falls on April 3, plus or minus five days, or you have Aries rising 14 degrees or a natal planet at 14 degrees (plus or minus five degrees) in Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you too will feel this new moon and can benefit from it. I did not list Sagittarius at 14 degrees for a reason – Saturn will be close enough to pass overhead of that planet. I don’t have your natal chart, so I am not sure how that might work out for you if you have a natal planet in Sagittarius 14 degrees. In all the cases I did list, watch the ten days that follow the new moon of June 4.

On June 2, Saturn will be opposed to the Sun, a hard aspect that can make you feel completely overworked, tired, or emotionally deflated. This aspect peaks on June 2, but you will feel it on June 4 too. This happens once every year, and this time Saturn will be in your long-distance travel house, so if you are working, it appears the job you have to handle might be strenuous. If anyone criticizes you, it may be because they are feeling their own pressures and that person is simply spilling off in every direction, not just you. Have faith that in two or three days, you will feel like a new person. Try to get enough sleep because that will help you cope with anything that comes up.

This same day, June 2, will not be the best day for your love life either if you are single and dating, for your fifth house is ruled by the Sun and under siege by Saturn. This same area of your chart, your solar fifth house, also rules pregnancy, children, and the care for them, as well as your artistic, creative expressions. None of these areas may go right, and if you plan an event, things may go haywire and not work out in the way you had hoped. Saturn can make expenses rise, too, so don’t plan your big event for this set of days. I do have an idea for you, and here it is.

By mid-month, you have two outstanding days for travel and for love. Put a big gold star on the long weekend of June 11-14, when Venus in Gemini and Uranus in Aries will be setting out flirtatious, charming vibrations, setting the scene for an unexpected chance meeting in matters of the heart. This day is just the opposite in outlook for the rather heavy cloud cover (emotionally) of June 3, the date I had mentioned earlier, that might make love interactions difficult. Remember, the Sun is the natural ruler of your fifth house of true love. In contrast, on June 11-14, when Uranus sends silvery beams to the Sun, Cupid will be out and about, working hard to help you make that fateful first meeting.

Mars will remain in your financial house this month, a place it moved into by retrograde on May 27. In the coming weeks, until August 2, you will be spending more money than usual, mostly on credit cards, but perhaps you have planned for those expenditures.

Mars will finally move direct on June 29, a big relief to you, for plans and projects will finally get Mars’ force behind them. Mars won’t ramp up to full, former strength until August 22. That’s fine – each day Mars will give you greater strength. You will notice more energy around you – ringing phones, more meetings – your agenda is perking up, and you’ll have more control over your life. You won’t have to wait until August 22 to launch important ventures. Once you get past June 29, you can start thinking of being involved with competitive situations again, and day by day, Mars will grow stronger and stronger. Mars helps you win, the reason you need Mars in good shape and not retrograde. This year, you might have felt like for every step you took forward, you had to take two steps back, and it was hard to make progress. Now those days are over, thank goodness, and the opportunities you see ahead will be much better, with greater progress. In fact, I feel the hard part of 2016 was January through May – you have now arrived at the BEST part of the year!

The full moon this month is an interesting one, coming June 20. It will again be in Sagittarius, the sign last month’s full moon appeared. While occasionally we will see two full moons in the same sign, it’s rare. Think back to what you were doing at the full moon May 21, plus or minus five days. You were finishing up something that involved travel, the attainment of higher education (college mainly), a court case, or a very important media project. Now, Part 2 to that venture will be finalized.

This full moon, June 20, will be in sweet angle to Uranus in Aries, from your solar first house of personality, so you should like the events around this full moon, and feel you have some control over how things go. (That’s new!) You may be traveling, or concluding your travels, at this time. You may be graduating, finishing up a book or broadcasting segment – there will be plenty to celebrate at this full moon.

If your birthday falls on April 19, plus or minus five days, you will feel this full moon the most. The same would be true if you have Aries rising at 29 degrees, or a natal planet in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, minus five degrees – in all cases, you too will notice the benefits of this full moon.

On this same date, Saturn will oppose Mercury, so it’s not a date to sign a contract or to make any binding commitments. If you do, resulting profits are likely to be low, so wait to put your signature on papers until July 1.

Most of the special aspects happen at month’s end. The biggest and the best will come on June 26, when Jupiter and Pluto are in sync. This is a fantastic aspect for financial negotiations. Jupiter is in your assignment sector, and Pluto is shining in your tenth house of honors, awards and achievement. What a day for career success! This is a rare aspect, and nothing as strong as this one will occur again until Jupiter and Pluto conjunct on April 4, 2020. By then, Jupiter will have moved into a new sign, Capricorn, and will be conjunct Pluto for an even more wonderful breakthrough for your career. There is no need to wait until April 2020! You have a gorgeous day this month in June 26, and it is as rare as diamonds – if you have a meeting or presentation on this day or take any other chance on hitting it big, you can make it!
The future of your work with that person or team is likely to grow as big as Jack and the Beanstalk’s beans – straight to heaven. You may think not much of that day, but later, looking back, you may say to yourself, it all began with our talks June 26.

Make the most of Sunday, June 26, by scheduling a vital meeting, presentation, or interview for Monday, June 27, when the moon will be in Aries. (It is unlikely that any business will be conducted on a Sunday.) Mars will still be retrograde until June 29, so if you have a competitive launch or major interview, schedule it for July 1, the very best day for making a final deal, especially anything involving real estate, even a lease. (Concerning real estate, you may have difficult news at the new moon June 4, but by month’s end, you may find a way to untangle things.) I love that two financial planets, Venus and Jupiter, will be in ideal sync on July 1. If the deal involves real estate, you’ll get a double dip of luck, but all financial talks will do so very well. With Pluto in your tenth house of fame, your status is likely to rise, and you are also likely to love the resulting assignments.

Monday, June 27, will also be special for another reason – Venus and Neptune will be in perfect harmony, making it a romantic time for a first date after work (say, in a coffee shop) or to have a romantic dinner with your established partner.
Speaking of love, you will especially enjoy Venus while in Gemini, until June 17. At this time, travel will fan the fires of love, and you are most likely to go to a location that is near a big city and not far to get to by car.
As you see, dear Aries, this is a good month! August will be even better!

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

This month will strongly emphasize money, in terms of earning more money, paying out money you owe, and purchasing things you want and need. Career may bring surprises, and opportunities for love will be there for the taking. You have a solid month in store so let’s get started.
The month starts off with Saturn opposed to the Sun, the one difficult aspect you will need to steer clear of to keep your sanity. The areas that this aspect will cut across are your two financial houses, so you may feel short of cash, or depressed with how your determined efforts to make more money are being thwarted. This is only temporary, not a sign that you are necessarily doing anything wrong. Your Sun rules your home and other real estate you may own or rent, and this is where your attention is likely to be drawn. Alternatively, it may be that you will want to help someone in your family – most likely one of your parents – who may need your help, and if so, you will have to drop everything to lend a hand. It takes most people a lot of courage to come to the point of asking for help, so once someone does ask, I feel we should help, especially if this person is a good friend or relative.
The new moon will come one day later, June 4. This new moon will light your house of earned income and is the only one of the year to fall in your second house of salary and other earned income. It is one of your best chances to get a raise, but this new moon is flawed and must be handled carefully. Saturn will be in your house of credit cards, loans, and other money you might owe others. This could mean that money will come in but go right out to pay bills you owe, but if so, be glad you have the money to take care of those obligations. Nothing is worse than having invoices you can’t pay – such stress. If you work for others, you might as well ask your boss for a raise if you have not received one in a while, assuming you feel sure you deserve an increase. If you are self-employed, I can give you other dates to edge up your fees. I feel it won’t work too well this month, and you don’t want complaining customers or clients! (My favorite day for you to raise your rates? August 22.)
Neptune will also be at odds with this new moon, too, suggesting you might not have a piece of information that you need to understand the big picture. That puzzle piece, once you receive it, may explain why you can’t get as much of a raise as you had hoped. Somehow, the picture will be blurred, so ask many questions. If you feel documents are not completely forthcoming, demand full disclosure.
Travel won’t be too easy in early June either, as Saturn will conjunct the moon. You probably have been viewing the masses of people standing in three-hour airport security lines at the airport. If you must travel in early June, go to the airport very early. I say this because Saturn will oppose the new moon, and the moon rules your short-distance travel house. This third house that will be lit up also rules contracts – but I advise that you sign nothing until later in the month. This new moon of June 4 will present a grand mutable cross, where many planets are forming a perfect box pattern, each 90 degrees from the other, with four squares and two oppositions.
A mutable cross is not as terrible as a fixed cross or the very difficult cardinal cross – a mutable cross is made of mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces and are the easiest to untangle. The way to get out of the deadlock of a grand mutable cross is to communicate – talk! By sharing information honestly and yet diplomatically, you can clear the air. Otherwise, the mutual cross will stalemate you and there will be no progress, only miscommunications and no understanding of the other person. Start to address the needs of someone close in you or who is prominent in your business life by listening with both ears. By doing so, you can melt the crosscurrents of a mutable cross. Of all cross patterns – cardinal, fixed, and mutable – the mutable is the easiest of the three to fix.
Your glorious career day, when sudden news may make you excited, will be June 13 or 14, a Monday-Tuesday. The Sun, now in your earned income solar second house, will receive a silvery beam from Uranus, planet of surprise. This is the day when your previous request for more money may come in and probably be approved, out of the blue. Yet with Uranus, there is always a twist – something you’d have never expected, so simply stay full of anticipation. Uranus is the natural rules of your solar tenth house of career. The news may be that you have an offer from another firm or that you are getting a promotion. Or, if self-employed, you may bring in an important new client that you’d never have expected would come to you. This same aspect may alternatively give you good news about your home or other property you might own or rent. The Sun is the natural ruler of your solar fourth house of home. You may hear exciting news about your career AND property, so stay alert – these sweet possibilities are not mutually exclusive.
Last month, on May 21, you had a full moon in your eighth house of other people’s money, and something was coming to culmination. You may have received a bank loan or a mortgage, venture capital, or a final answer on an insurance payout or inheritance. The odd part about this full moon on June 20 is that last month, May 21, you ALSO had a full moon in the same sign, Sagittarius, in the same part of your chart. This happens, but it is not common. I feel you will see part 2 of a financial topic and that you will be able to finalize things. You have Saturn in this financial house, which always makes matters go slowly, with much red tape. If you have been working on the fair division of property in a divorce, this full moon is likely to end it all. Mars is now in your seventh house of partner and ex-partner, and Mars can sometimes cause arguments. See if you can avoid a confrontation. If you can’t, well, then get all your feelings on the table and talk it out.
Mars has been retrograde since April 17, and continues this month in that mode. Mars will move direct later this month, which is welcome news, on June 29. Mars is the planet in charge of energy, courage, passion, and drive, and also is the planet that helps you to win in competitive situations. Without Mars’ help since mid-April, you’ve had to work harder and longer to shepherd projects through the channels, and even so, you may have had problems making your product or service stand out in the marketplace, or if you have been interviewing for a job, you have had a tougher than usual time to find ways to stand out from the crowd of candidates. Now Mars will go direct, and life will improve many times over. Last month you also had Mars’ brother, Mercury, retrograde and Mercury since moved forward on May 22. (Not to be overlooked, Jupiter turned direct on May 9, and that will help your love life substantially from now on.) As you see, day-by-day, things are getting better and better. While Mars won’t resume former robust shape until August 22, you need not wait that long to act. Be optimistic and move forward at month’s end.
One of the most important and elegant aspects of 2016 is coming up June 26, a Sunday. Pluto will be in perfect harmony with Jupiter. Both planets are associated with financial gain. Pluto is now in your solar ninth house of foreign people and places, but also rules the courts, successes in regard to publishing and broadcasting, and good news stemming from academic actions taken. Meanwhile Jupiter is in your fifth house of love and creativity, so it appears your ideas and artistic expressions could trigger thundering applause for work well done, and hefty profits too. Mars will go direct on June 29, only three days after the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, and because both planets are outer planets that move infinitesimally slowly, you can wait until after Mars turns direct – I like the first day of July, July 1 best, for Venus and Jupiter will be at superb angles.
In terms of love, Venus in Cancer from June 17 to July 11, you have a superb chance of finding someone new and intriguing at the very end of the month, on June 30-July 1. You also have Jupiter working in much more powerful ways now that he went direct May 9. In so many ways, the hardest months of 2016 are now behind you. The universe planned 2016 to sparkle from July through December 2016, so you’ll like June and like July and August even more!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This will be a month that has plenty of opportunity, but you will likely doubt me as the month begins. Saturn will be acting up, and will almost immediately challenge the Sun on June 2, and two days later, June 4, at the new moon in Gemini 15 degrees, Saturn will oppose the new moon. Saturn is reminding you of the seriousness of the actions you are taking now. Your decisions and commitments have weight, but also have the possibility for long-term stability and gain. Venus will be in Gemini, so you will be loved and be very popular – but that’s not the point. The point is, Saturn will be directly opposite delicate Venus, translating into a work versus play, love versus obligation type of aspect – and Saturn will win out, for he is slower moving and will move very slowly. You are a lighthearted soul, and Saturn in opposition of anything is a heavy aspect. On June 3, you may feel tired, depressed, sensitive to criticism, and maybe a little overwhelmed. That’s because the Sun rules your sense of vitality and strength, and much of your outlook on the world. If you feel someone is being too hard on you, you may be right. Find the truth in what this person might say to you, but don’t let anyone deflate you. Everyone will be feeling this difficult aspect in various parts of life, no matter what that person’s Sun sign happens to be.
Saturn opposed to the new moon June 4 could bring an unexpected expense within the following days that could have your heart feeling like it’s about to drop to the floor. This is only temporary. This may be a bill you overlooked, or a family member who is in dire straits and desperately needs cash from you. Or it may have to do with an expense your partner in love or business incurred, but that now you must pay. With the moon under siege too from Saturn, you are likely to see very little cash in your bank account. Frantic, you may assume it is the end of the world. It’s not. The new moon next month, July 4, will appear in your second house of earned income and come to your rescue within days after it appears.
When it comes to money, you may not have to wait until July to hear good financial news. On June 26 we have one of the best aspects of the year, Jupiter in perfect angle to Pluto. Both planets are very powerful financial planets, and you are hosting Pluto in your eighth house of other people’s money, and Jupiter in Virgo, in your house of home. This tells me that you may get a fantastic deal on a new house, condo or co-op, and that the property will likely appreciate quite a bit in time. This is Gemini’s year to buy property, and this month will prove it. If you can’t act that fast, then realize you will have Jupiter in your home sector until September 9, so you will have until then to find your perfect situation.
I have a good friend, Rose, a Gemini, who will be closing on a condo in the first week of June. I told her that her timing is very good. I say this because 1) Thankfully, Mercury is out of retrograde (as of May 22), 2) She will benefit from the very positive angle of Jupiter and Pluto in wide, but gorgeous angle to Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, and 3) Pluto will be friendly to Jupiter in Gemini’s solar fourth house of home, which is a very powerful aspect that suggests her investment will appreciate quite a bit in time. Rose inquired about Mars being retrograde this month – that would not affect her in regard to her property, for Mars is about competition – if she was in charge of launching a new product or service, then Mars would have been a big consideration. Mars helps you stand out and win, but that does not apply here.
Dear Gemini, you will have until September 9 to see great luck from Jupiter in your house of home, whether by leasing, purchasing, selling, renovating, or decorating. Some Gemini are finding joy from family, such as if a family member has a baby that makes everyone in the family excited.
Mars has been putting great emphasis on your partner in love, and possibly (if you have one) in business too. That partner might be your agent or manager – someone who acts on your behalf. With Mars in Sagittarius, you have much to learn from a partner, but the going won’t always be smooth. This may be because you are with your partner so frequently that it will be inevitable that some conflict comes up. This month you will get a break, for Mars will move out of your partnership house, end its opposition to your Sun, and slip into your workaday sector.
Now that Mars is (as of May 27) in Scorpio as it continues to retrograde, you will find June and July to be hard working months, with plenty to do at the office. I feel you won’t get a holiday break until August or September. Mars will go direct on June 29, but it will take Mars until early August to move out of Scorpio – and for the workload to lighten up.
Your close relationship will be the focus of your attention at the full moon, June 20. This will be the second full moon in a row in Sagittarius. The first was May 21. Those Gemini who were born near May 21 were most likely to feel the effects of that full moon, and it was a positive one. If your birthday falls on June 20, you will feel this full moon more, and something is coming to culmination with a partner. This full moon is mixed, with a lovely beam from Uranus in your friendship house. You may get special attention and help from a friend.
Saturn is still being difficult and will oppose your ruler, Mercury, making June 20 not the time to sign papers – you are later likely to feel burdened by the terms of the agreement. Fortunately, Mercury moves quickly and will be in better shape by June 26, your fantastic day, when Jupiter and Pluto will be in sync. Also, on the same day, Mercury will receive beams from Uranus, planet of all things unexpected. (Mercury and Uranus will be well aligned, so the surprises should be good ones.) If you have the time, I would prefer you sign on July 1, when Venus and Jupiter will be in sync.
For love and romance, keep in mind that you have Venus on your side until June 17. While Venus will be tangling with Saturn in the first days of the month, by the time you get to my favorite time for you, the week of June 13, Venus will be out of harm’s way, and no matter what your gender, you can cut your hair, or buy new eyeglasses or sunglasses (the one element on your face that would make you look older if not up-to-date). Your popularity will be strong, and you’ll feel that finally, you are leaving some of life’s difficulties behind.
My favorite day for you for fun and love will come on Monday, June 13, but you will feel its glow over the preceding weekend, June 11-12. The exciting aspect I am referring to is Uranus, planet of surprise, in elegant angle to the Sun. The Sun will be in Gemini, and Uranus will be in your house of fun and events / friendships / charities and humanitarian activities. These days will sparkle for you, dear Gemini, and your friends will be the ones that start to get things rolling. You may travel to a distant point, on these days or very soon afterward. Lucky breaks, unexpected good news – all sorts of good things will happen on those days that will be showered in electric pixie dust. If your birthday falls near June 16, you will get twice the fun, but all Gemini will have something to celebrate.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The month comes in like a whisper, with the Sun, new moon, and Venus all filling your twelfth house of privacy and rest. You will be getting ready to celebrate your birthday, so take time now to decide how you envision your twelve months ahead. What would you like to see happen by this time next year? Who would you like to see more of in your year ahead? How is your career going? Is it bringing you a sense of passion and purpose, or would you like to make adjustments?
As I watched the CBS This Morning show, a morning TV news program that comes on at 7 to 9 AM, Gayle King was introducing a man who had studied the topic of happiness, and he said he had come to the conclusion that true happiness, at least in men, was based on closeness of feelings for family and friends, and other attachments we make in life. That news is not what struck me because I had heard similar studies in the past with the same conclusions. What hit me was Gayle King’s introduction – when she said to viewers, “If you were investing in the happiness of your future self, what would you do to make it happen?” I love that question, so I had to pose it to you today. You will be highly intuitive this month, and so if you come up with an answer and yet can find no reasons or facts to back up what you say, those reasons will come in time. Listen to your heart.
Backtracking two days, I will admit that June will start off on a heavy note, for Saturn will oppose the Sun. This is like ice meeting fire – not compatible – so you may find June 2 to be a depressing day with an imaginary heavy cloud cover pressing down on you. The Sun rules your second house of income, so you may be concerned about money and expenses, which might cause a bit of tension, especially between you and your partner. Once you get to the new moon in Gemini, June 4, the moon will receive an opposition from Saturn too, suggesting you’ll feel sensitive to comments others say to you, especially if words are critical.
As you get to the full moon of June 20, you will be working hard to finish up a project. This full moon will fall in Sagittarius, 29 degrees, in the same sign (different degree) of last month’s full moon of May 21. It is unusual to have two full moons in a row in the same sign and area of a chart, but it is not unheard of – it happens sometimes. It seems that this full moon June 20 may mark the second and last part of a larger project. This culmination will be a bit more strenuous than the last full moon in May, as the planets are not in a completely cooperative mood, and neither will be your co-workers, managers, and clients. Ah, sometimes life is that way. The good part is that Uranus, shining in your tenth house of career honors, will be in ideal angle to the June 20 full moon, offering a surprise breakthrough. You are likely to get praise for your work, and this work is likely to bring you more work on a sophisticated scale. You may see a bonus of cash at this full moon, too.
This same full moon, June 20, will also be a time to take good care of your health. You may be finishing up a series of treatments, such as of medicine or physical therapy, or you may simply see the end to an illness, such as a bad cold – full moons add a punctuation mark and end things for good. It’s interesting to note that if you get sick, say with a cold or something else, near a full moon, it will be over quickly, but if you get sick on a new moon it will take much longer to recover from, because new moons set up trends.
Mars rules your tenth house of fame and honors, and will be retrograde one more month, until June 29. Thank goodness that we are at the tail end of this trend. This retrograde has affected every one of every sign, and it has made it hard to make progress. Mars, the energy planet that makes you stand out from your completion, has been asleep at the switch since April 17. If you feel your career has lumbered along at a glacial pace, you know why. Mars won’t ramp up to full power the moment he awakes – he needs a little time to orient himself – so he won’t be at robust level until August 22. Still, life will pep up by next month, and each day you will see more progress. You may have had circular meetings with clients or company officials where nothing seemed to get decided, and you found yourself continually reverting back to square one. Once Mars moves direct on June 29, you will see assignments come in, praise, and much more career progress – in all ways, life will improve in July and August.
Mars has been spending a lot of time in your workaday sector, overloading you with work since April, but on May 27, Mars retrograded back into Scorpio, and you may feel the pressure come off all those deadline-oriented projects you’ve been focused. Better yet, with Mars in Scorpio, June and July will be an exquisite time for love. Mars in Scorpio is THE best place for Mars to be to engender new love, for Mars will light your solar fifth house of romance. Single, dating, or married, life will become brighter for your social life, starting immediately. You can go on vacation in July, a perfect time to go. By the new moon in August 2, you will be needed at work, and the money being offered you will be substantial right off the bat. You’ll be in demand, and there will be those who will pay for your services.
Also, you have more good news in regard to love. Venus will move into Cancer on June 17 to stay until July 12. This is great news, for Venus, moving in strong, sure orbit, will make you magnetic and charismatic. Spend money on your looks, dear Cancer. Here’s your chance to change the way you wear your hair, buy new clothes, update your eyeglasses and sunglasses, and women, to buy new makeup. You’ll love the choices you make, and when you go out, you are certain to turn heads in the best sense. The weekend of June 25-26 will be your best, when Venus in Cancer will be in divine angle to Neptune in Pisces. What a lyrical, heavenly aspect to create a memory!
That weekend will be special for another reason. This year, one of the features of 2016 will occur with the rare an alignment of Pluto and Jupiter on June 26. This happened on November 26, 2015, and March 16 this year, but after this, it may not be until 2020 that we get something as big, a conjunction of these two planets. Think back to what happened in November and March – look at your email to see what you did or decided then. This is a fantastic aspect, one associated with growth and solid profits over time. If you plant a seed just after June 26, it is likely to grow – wait until after June 29 to do so (for Mars to turn direct), but you can stage talks on June 26 or 27. Pluto and Jupiter will want to help you.
It seems like love can also bloom as a result of this lovely aspect too (June 26), because Pluto rules your solar fifth house of true love, and is found transiting IN your solar seventh house of marriage – the link between love and commitment is clear and strongly established. Meanwhile, Jupiter is currently traveling through your solar third house of short, quick travel. This means a weekend trip out of town would be a wonderful way to fan the fires of love. With Mars in Scorpio, and Venus and Neptune coming together to spin a glamorous evening over the weekend of June 25-26 too (discussed in the paragraph above), you have a perfect package for love. See if you can go to a place near water, for that’s where you will be happiest.

Leo (July 23- August 22)

All work and no play might make the Lion and Lioness a dull little creature, so it’s time to kick up dust. Last month you’ve had your mind on career, but the universe, in its wisdom, feels it is time for you to have fun. June will start on a shaky footing however, so you may wonder if you can really enjoy life when you experience a few bumps during the first week. You are ruled by the Sun, so when the Sun makes an important aspect to another planet, you notice that conversation. Here is what I am talking about:
On June 2, taskmaster Saturn in Sagittarius in your house of love will directly oppose the Sun in your house of friendship. Saturn is cold and icy, and as a Leo, you are warm and fiery, so this incident may temporarily put a damper on your spirit. A friend or lover may make you upset by being critical of you or the person you are dating, or may do something that interprets as betrayal of you. This is a weighty aspect, and not an easy one. Every one of every sign will be feeling the heavy cloud cover that June 2 will bring, so be aware that it’s not a day to present ideas to others – the person you would be talking to may be going through some sort of disappointment in their own lives too. If you launch a product or service on June 2, it is not likely to ever reach the profit potential you are anticipating. It’s possible that on June 2 you will feel overworked and overtired by tasks you have to complete at home or for work. You will be super-sensitive to any criticism that is directed to you.
The new moon will come next in Gemini at 15 degrees along with the Sun and Venus, all filling your house of friendship. Again, Saturn will be stirring the pot by opposing the new moon directly. Socializing is usually fun for you because you are so gregarious, but this week, one friend may seem to be more like a burden OR an area of concern (because you care about him or her), so life may not feel exactly carefree. Alternatively, you may feel an obligation to a friend who may be in need and facing a crisis, and if this is how things work out, you will want to help.
There is one other way that the first week of June might work out for you. It may be that you have a creative project on your desk that you simply must work on before you can do anything else. In this turns out to be true for you, you will be very cognizant of the responsibilities you are carrying for the project, and the team that depends on you. Life won’t always be this way, so know things will improve in time.
Exciting travel seems in the cards for you this month, for on June 13, Uranus will make a very decisive, positive beam to the Sun. Within days you may be heading to the airport. This day will also be strong for a project involving the media, whether as reporter or subject of an interview or story. You may hear news from the courts out of the blue that will help you.
You have such a warm nature that you tend to know how to make the best of everything that happens to you. Because this June 4 new moon will be in Gemini, an air sign that blends well with your Leo fire element, you will likely find a way to deal with those little lumps and bumps that will come up in the first week. After you get beyond the first week or so, you will still find time to work in a bit of fun. Go shopping, have lunches and dinners with friends, take in a museum exhibit or a rock concert, take a trip to a pretty setting, and you will feel whole again. If your birthday falls within five days of August 7, you will be the most favored Leo and can find ways to make yourself happy despite all that might be swirling around you.
More socializing will come up at the full moon, June 20. This will be the second full moon in Sagittarius in your fifth house of true love two months in a row. The first came last month, May 21, and that one was in an early 1 degree that reached out to Leos born within days of July 24. If you have a birthday that falls within five days of August 22, you will feel this month’s full moon in Sagittarius, June 20.
The way this full moon will work out is that if you have been dating, this full moon could mark a serious moment in your relationship where you decide to continue or to end the relationship. It seems conditions have kept you apart – say, your sweetheart has to travel a lot, or attend graduate school in a distant location – for Saturn is testing your attachment to your partner, but you seem to have adjusted to those unusual conditions because they have been doing on for more than a year. This will go on for at least 18 more months, but those meetings might be very exciting and sexy when they happen. Leo loves drama – the times you get together might be made for the silver screen.
This area of your chart, where the full moon will fall, rules your love life, and anything having to do with pregnancy, birth, and the care of, and love for, children. Full moons bring decisions and final phases, so you may be deciding on a matter of importance involving plans to have a baby, or special care for a child you have now. You might be sending your child to camp, for example, or getting your child a special tutor to help him excel in school. These types of things do come up. I feel you will like this full moon because Uranus will be so sweetly angled to it. Travel seems to come up again, quite spontaneously. The second half of July might be a perfect time for a vacation. If you want one – go.
Additionally or alternatively, if you’ve been involved with a creative project, such as with writing a screenplay or auditioning for a movie, you will get the answer back at this time, and it is likely to be an answer you will like, especially if your birthday falls on or within five days of August 22. This full moon will come in cheery angle to Uranus, planet of unexpected developments, so the surprise that comes up is likely one that pleases you. Uranus is in a travel house, so as I mentioned just now, the possibility for a fun, surprise trip is very real, or some other dazzling news might come out of the blue – you may be interviewed in the press, or have one of your creative projects finish up, get glittering reviews, and feel great pride in your work.
Mars is still retrograde and has now (as of May 27) backed into your solar fourth of home, so your attention will now switch to your residence or other property you already own or rent, or want to buy, sell, or lease. You will have all of June and July to work on your home-related plans. If you want to rent a vacation cottage, this would be the time to do it. Alternatively, you might instead be focused on helping one of your parents. Your mother and father may be moving, or one of your parents may not be well and need a bit of assistance managing their finances or finding an aide to help out with shopping, cooking, and other day-to-day activities. No matter what you need to do to help your parent, the right solutions will surface if you look for them.
Mars retrograde is causing life to proceed slowly. Mars’ brother, Mercury, was retrograde last month, but thankfully Mercury went direct May 22. Mercury rules communication, negotiation, contracts and commerce, so now all that will clear up and you can sign papers again. (Best day to do so – wait for Mars to turn direct, and schedule the signing for July 1.) Let’s first talk about June 26.
At month’s end, one of the most glittering aspects of 2016 will come up. Jupiter and Pluto will align perfectly on June 26, and both planets are associated with big budgets, and big financial rewards. Jupiter is currently in your solar second house of salary and other earned income, and Pluto is in your house of workaday work projects. This could turn out to be a landmark day for agreeing to a new assignment. If you are estimating an important creative project, don’t be shy – ask for what you feel is your due – this is an aspect of considerable reward.
This aspect won’t happen again for years, and never again in these two signs. You had three passes of Jupiter in great angle to Pluto recently – November 26, 2015 (Thanksgiving for Americans, last year), March 16, 2016, and now. After this, these two distinguished planets will shake hands, tip their hats to each other, and go their separate ways. Make June 26 and the next day, Monday, June 27, work for you – both days will be excellent for you. This aspect translates into big project, big money. Wonderful!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This should be a standout month for your career, but home-related obligations and concerns may keep pulling at you, and at times you may not know which to give your first attention. A sterling job opportunity may come up early in June, but because of home and family concerns, you might not feel right about the timing, and for that reason might not take the offer. Let’s have a closer look.
Before we come to the new moon, Saturn (ice) is about to directly oppose the Sun (fire) on June 2. This is not a happy aspect, for Saturn puts a wet blanket over everything it touches. At that time you may be concerned over the health of a family member such as your mother or father (or both) or the health of a boss you report to at work.
Venus will arrive on the Sun’s arm at the new moon June 4, indicating you will be a popular leader, not only with VIPs, but also with the people who will report to you. Your ruler, Mercury, is in your ninth house of travel, so at the start, you might want to take a quick trip to a distant location. Soon, however, you will be consumed with details of your new and growing professional stature. Actually any kind of one-time sum of money should be generous at this date, but doubly so if you are working on a home-related project.
Not only will Saturn oppose the Sun in Gemini, but the new moon in Gemini 14 degrees as well, emphasizing to you how much you mean to everyone, in every corner of your life, and how everyone it seems is depending on you. In fact, you may also have a friend asking you for favors. This new moon in Gemini will be mixed, with a sterling lineup of planets at the very top of your chart, shining like a lighthouse in your tenth house of fame and honors. Saturn and Neptune will be the culprits here, but the score is even – points on your side and points against you. No matter what, this would be the right time to get a promotion, new position, or if self-employed, to increase business in your own company. This is certainly a fine time to promote your talents and let everyone know that you are on the rise, and ready to take on more prestigious work.
With Saturn working overtime to make the job strenuous, however, any new assignment or job title you accept now will require quite a bit of work along with long hours. Every indication is that the work you are doing now, and have been doing since August 2015, continuing to September 2016, will pay off handsomely, with not only a solid salary but also a fine bonus or commission. This all will come later, but it behooves you to put as many feelers out there now, for you are about to hit it big. If you are self-employed and investing in your business, your timing is perfect. As you see, when it comes to taking on more, or not, will not be an easy choice. You may have worked your entire life to get to this point, but now you may not be so sure the timing is ideal. You may fear, rightly, that you would be juggling a lot.
Yet Virgo is supremely organized, so if anyone can handle a superhuman schedule, it is you. If you are self-employed, consider hiring help at home and at work. I guess I am not employable by others, because if a boss told me I could not have the number of assistants I know I would need to do the job perfectly, I would just hire them out of my own money and have them sit with me in my office. Of course, I am a writer, but I would send them to do all kinds of things, like prepare FedEx boxes, clean my press list, organize files, and so forth. (I know hiring my own helpers would be a nightmare for any company. I often wonder, why would any company give a lot of responsibility to a top-level employee but give none of the proper assistance to get the job done? I see this all the time with friends who are in that kind of Catch-22 situation.)
Turning to your finances, watch for great financial news on the day Uranus beams to the Sun, June 13. You may be completely surprised at how generous the check or benefits package will be for you. If you apply for a mortgage or home improvement loan, you should be able to get it with a sensationally low interest rate. If you need furniture, you may be able to find an amazing bargain on or near June 13.
If you are talking to a VIP on or near June 17, be cognizant of the other party’s budgetary constraints. A big idea you present may simply be beyond the money that company has to fund your project. Saturn will be in hard angle to Neptune, so you can believe the person if you hear, “We don’t have much money?” Decide if you can do the project on a tight budget. The problem with a rare aspect like this one – a feature that sets 2016 apart from many other years – is that you don’t have much experience with it. If you go to another company for funding, you will hear the same response. Decide if you can slim down the project to a manageable proportion, or hold it back to shop it next year, when Saturn and Neptune will not press on you, for they will have already spun out of the aspects and gone their separate ways, and you won’t be subject to these types of budgetary constraints.
Your home will again be your prime area of attention at the full moon in Sagittarius 29 degrees on June 20, plus or minus five days. You had a full moon last month, May 21, plus or minus five days, in the same sign and area of your chart, only falling in different degrees (1 degree). Perhaps this is Part 2 of a larger home- or family-related plan. This one, falling at 29 degrees, considered an astrological degree of completion, will mark the last chapter in this saga. By July, you’ll have much more time for fun and love. Well, sort of. I have more to say about the great attention you are devoting to home and/or perhaps to your parent, which has been a near-obsession since the start of March of this year.
You need a little relief form all this emphasis on home and family, and you are about to get it, instantly. To heighten June and July’s fun, Mars’ move backward, out of your home and family sector (fourth house), on May 27 to your third house of quick, near travel will be a blessing. This will give you some relief from these matters, for Mars is not due to return until August 2. Now Mars, the energy planet will be urging you to travel and enjoy yourself for two full moons. While it is true that your interest and concentration on home and family concerns will return, this area will only press on you from the start of August through September 27. The eclipses on September 1 in Virgo and on September 16 in Pisces may help you make decisions and swing into action soon after. (Mercury will retrograde again next from August 30 to September 22, so hold back then.)
The month will end on a romantic, glamorous note. We have a very rare aspect coming up between Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your first house of your personality and desires dear to you, and Pluto in your house of true love. Jupiter will be in perfect angle to Pluto in your fifth house so matters of love, romance, pregnancy, birth, and care for children, and will be elegantly aspected and provide great opportunity to you. This same solar fifth house also rules your creativity and imagination, and all the steps you take to create projects that are truly original. Again, in respect to your creative output, you’ll be on fire, dear Virgo.
This aspect happened twice recently, when Pluto was “trine” Jupiter on November 26, 2015 (that was Thanksgiving Day last year for Americans) and on March 16. Look back at your email to see what types of discussions you were having at the time – one of those should take off like a rocket in time. Indeed, something you did on those days that you might feel was a nice opportunity but nothing special may now grow like Alice in Wonderland did when she drank the tiny bottle that said “Drink me” – her arms and legs grew so fast, they went right out the windows of the little house she found herself in.
Plant a seed on June 26 or 27, and watch it grow in time (maybe not as fast as Alice did, but fast in the scheme of things). Actually wait until after Mars goes direct on June 29. These two planets move so infinitesimally slowly that you can afford to wait a few days for Mars to catch up. For any competitive situation where you want to shine, you want to have Mars moving in strong, sure orbit, direct!
Before I go, let’s talk about another glittering aspect on June 26, which will spill into Monday, June 27. You will do best when Venus is circulating in Cancer, from June 17 to July 12, for Venus in a water sign blends so well with your earth-sign element. You are fortunate too that sexy Mars will be in Scorpio, another water sign, and will coax you to take a quick vacation or, at the very least, flee town on weekends.
One of your best weekends of the month will be June 25-26, when the transiting moon will be in water sign Pisces, and Venus and Neptune will be in gorgeous, sparkling angles, bringing glamour and romance that might just take your breath away.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

It’s time to travel, dear Libra. It looks like you’ll want to hop on a jet to see more of the world. With three magical heavenly bodies stacking up in your ninth house, including the new moon in Gemini, 14 degrees, the Sun, and your ruler, Venus, all in signs divinely compatible with your Libra Sun, it will hard to sit still. Your ninth house will be lit – an intellectual, probing, and adventuresome part of your chart – so you’ll feel a need to breathe free, to learn new things, and to debate all that you learn with the person near you who has become your favorite sounding board, your significant other or best friend. Don’t worry about your career – that will heat up in July, so by leaving town now, you’ll be refreshed and relaxed by the time you are needed to make decisions at home or at work. For now, spin your compass and choose a place to go.
Admittedly, this new moon creates a box pattern called a Grand Mutable Cross, where planets will be squaring off. The Sun, new moon and Venus will be at 90 degrees to Neptune, opposing Saturn at 180 degrees, and in 90-degree conflict to Jupiter. (Jupiter, as the Great benefic, never brings affliction so we are not so concerned about Jupiter. Astrologers call this a mutable cross because all the affected planets will be in mutable signs: Gemini (The Sun, new moon, and Venus); Virgo (Jupiter); Sagittarius (Saturn), and Pisces (Neptune). Of the difficult planets involved with this deadlock of planets that all seem to be saying, “Don’t ask me to do it – ask him!” Saturn will be the most concerning.
Two days before the new moon arrives, Saturn will oppose the Sun to exact degree on June 2, making for a depressing time. This is an emotionally heavy aspect, when fire (the Sun) meets ice (Saturn) in a toe-to-toe confrontation. It will be easy to become overly sensitive to criticism. Intellectually it appears you and someone near will not be on the same page, and differences in opinion could rile you up (or deflate you) in a way you’ve not seen in recent memory. This person might be a friend (the Sun rules your solar eleventh house of friendship) or a family member (Saturn rules your solar fourth house of home and family). Needless to say, this is no day for a debate – your opinions are best kept to yourself. Things might work out in another, opposite way, however, in that you may become very concerned about the health of a friend, sibling (Saturn is in your solar third house, ruling sisters and brothers), or your parent.
A third translation of this aspect June 2, Saturn opposed to the Sun, could be that you will have difficulties and frustrations in travel, with delayed flights, or if driving, a flat tire, or be given a wrong address that leads you in the wrong direction. These are just a few examples, so you might want to choose another day to hit the road. This will be a Thursday, so you can’t quite hide under the bed, so you might as well live normally and simply deal with anything that comes up.
Two days later, on the new moon June 4, Saturn will oppose the new moon and Venus, your ruler. Saturn will be based in your third house of siblings, so you might have an altercation with your sibling or with a neighbor. Although the new moon’s appearance shows opportunities to travel, Saturn keeps creating obstacles or second thoughts about the wisdom of taking a getaway at this time. The moon is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of profession and industry status, and again, on June 4, an interview might not go exactly to plan. Give a few days space and pick June 8 or 9 for your interview.
A mutable cross, which is going on in the sky at the time of the new moon early in the month (as I described earlier), is the simplest one to cure – you can untangle things by communicating with soft words, not harsh ones. Be open to listening others’ ideas and opinions, for you may learn something interesting. At least give others the honor of hearing them out.
If your birthday falls on October 6, this new moon of June 4 will be highly compatible mathematically with your Sun sign, and despite the crosscurrents of this new moon, you will benefit from it. Allow a plus or minus five days; the closer the new moon falls, the greater the effect and the more powerfully it will help you. The same is true if you have Libra rising 14 degrees, or a natal planet in Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius at the same degree, and in all cases, plus or minus five degrees of 14 degrees.
Yet at the same time, in early June, remarkably, a supremely harmonious Grand Earth Trine will appear in the sky, which means that three planets will be in supreme harmony with each other, all in earth signs. They include Mercury in Taurus, filling your solar eighth house of other people’s money; Pluto in your home and other property sector (your solar fourth house); and Jupiter, behind the scenes in your confidentiality sector (your solar twelfth house). This tells me that you may have a renovation project ongoing at your main residence or other property you might own, or you may be planning to buy, sell, or rent – this is a lucky area for you, and things will go exceedingly well. Earth signs produce tangible, harmonious results, so you’ll be pleased.
If you need funding to start your home-related project, say, in terms of a loan or line of credit, or you may now want to secure a mortgage with attractive terms – you can get it. Perhaps the reason that you might not want to travel is that too much will be going on at home. If nothing is going on at home yet, things might happen soon. Perhaps you would like to institute plans, but have not found the right moment – now you have it, in early June while these three heavenly bodies will join hands in a sublime triangular pattern to help you. This could also be the reason I see you spending quite a bit of money in June – home-related project are often expensive.
This is such a fortunate time for you to think about property matters, for there is still ANOTHER reason for you to move ahead now with your plans. On June 26, Pluto and Jupiter, two powerhouse planets linked to big money and financing, will send each another glittering vibration. This is a rare-as-diamonds type of aspect, linking your fourth house of home, where Pluto is based, to Jupiter. Good fortune Jupiter is currently based in your confidential twelfth house, so perhaps you know the identity of the person who wants to help you financially, and if so, you will be asked to keep that person’s involvement secret. Or, it may be that a family member will want to help you, perhaps with a sum of cash for a down payment on a house, but will ask that you not tell the other family members, as one or two family members might get jealous. On June 26, Pluto will take the goodness of Jupiter and multiply Jupiter’s good fortune and propensity for growth many times over. Both are highly financial planets, so this is a great time for appreciating the value of your house or condo, and for seeing success. Of course, you will have to do your research, but if you and your advisor agree, act on that property matter at the end of June. Keep in mind these planets move very slowly, so you will feel the glow before and after this date.
If you are to purchase, sell, or lease property or expensive furniture, see if you can wait until AFTER Mars goes direct June 29 to conclude the deal. If you can wait to buy a car, do, as Mars rules machines of all kinds, while his brother Mercury, rules electronics. Mercury WAS retrograde last month but as of May 22 went direct.
Mars has been retrograde since April 17, and, as said, will continue to retrograde to the end of this month, June 29. Having to deal with a weak, retrograde Mars for so long has been difficult for everyone, as when Mars sleeps, he withholds his greatest powers. Mars rules courage, passion, drive, and all competitive situations – you need Mars to stand out and excel in any competitive situation.
Now let’s backtrack to the third week of the month, to the full moon, June 20. Again, your third house will be lit, and again, the emphasis – and the opportunity – will involve travel, your sibling or a writing / publishing / broadcasting project. If you are negotiating a deal, it will come to fullness at this time. If you are asked to sign papers now, you can, but I would rather you ask to wait until July 1 to do so. I say that because on July 1, Venus is your ruler and will be in sublime angle to happiness planet Jupiter. Sometimes we can’t delay because we risk losing the entire deal, so if that describes your situation, then by all means sign. I am splitting tiny hairs here!
Now let’s turn to romance. The first part of June will be your best, for Venus will glide through Gemini until June 17, and that’s one of the best places for Venus to be to bring you lasting love. That will also be a glorious time for you to buy yourself new clothes, seek advice from your hair stylist, and generally do things to refresh your look. You’ll feel confident and attractive, and you will be, too!
Your happiest weekend of love and fun will be June 11-June 12, when the Sun and surprise-a-minute Uranus, the natural ruler of your house of true love, will be in perfect sync. The Sun is the natural ruler of your friendship house, so certainly you’ll be with your friends, and everyone will be in a jovial, happy-go-lucky mood. On Saturday, the moon will conjoin Jupiter, the good fortune planet. By Sunday of this weekend, June 12, the transiting moon will be in Libra. The stage is set for a glorious time. It matters not if you are single or attached – this weekend is for you. If you are invited to a party or wedding, go, for you will sparkle brightly, and if single you might meet someone new and very intriguing.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You are almost half way through 2016, and the hardest part of the year is almost behind you. Mars is still retrograde, a frustrating condition that has been going on since April 17, and that will continue to June 29. Mars retrograde affects everyone, of every sign, because Mars rules courage, determination, and drive, as well as the competitive spirit to excel. Without Mars fully awake, it’s been harder to stand out and to compete as effectively as you would ordinarily do, to push new ventures forward, and to start new relationships, especially for you, as Mars is one of your two ruling planets.
When any planet retrogrades, it sleeps, and we simply do not have access to its finest energies. That means you have to add that energy, which could feel strenuous. Last month we had five out of eight planets retrograde, but Jupiter has since gone direct May 9, and Mars’ brother Mercury turned direct on May 22. A soon as Mars joins the crowd turning direct at month’s end, you will see how strongly the pace picks up. All planets need a bit of time to ramp up to their former strength, and for Mars, that ramp-up time will take until August 22. Still, you don’t have to sit around waiting for late August – you can act prior to that. Once Mars is direct, you can exhale.
Let’s look at the big picture, for there is something to be gained for you here. Due to Mars being retrograde, recently, on May 27, Mars backed into Scorpio, giving you more control over life. After Mars goes direct on June 29, he will continue to tour Scorpio throughout July (to August 2) making July one of your best months of the year. Everyone wants to have Mars in their sign, because it puts you in the lead, and allows you that rare opportunity to have things “your way.” You will have a sexy aura about you, and as luck would have it, starting June 17 and continuing until July 12, you will also have Venus in water-sign Cancer, a wonderfully compatible place for Venus to be. As you see you will have the two cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, in compatible signs – these are the planets that when compatible, start the spark of love.
Put a big gold star on June 27, when Venus in perfect-for-you sign of Cancer will be in ideal alignment with Neptune in Pisces – and Neptune is currently making a very long journey through your fifth house of true love – producing a beautiful day, one just made for with glamour and enchantment. June 27 is a Monday, but you will feel the sparkle from these two planets over your stellar weekend of June 25-26 too.
Socially, you should circulate more from mid-June onward, straight into mid-July. If you want to take a vacation in early July, you will be on-target for fun.
There is another reason to be optimistic – Pluto is your OTHER ruling planet and will send you beautiful beams at month’s end, on June 26. I will address that super aspect later, but be cheered by knowing it will be there for you.
Let’s start at the top of the month and go through chronologically. I will admit that at the start, on June 2, we have a very difficult, potentially depressing aspect that could make you jittery about money. Saturn will oppose the Sun on June 2, so that would never be a good day to ask for a raise or to even interview for a job. Keep in mind everyone of every sign will feel this aspect, so the person you will be speaking with would be feeling it too, but you won’t know in which way. The Sun will be in the part of your chart ruling credit cards, student loans, inheritance, and division of property in a divorce, so these areas will not be at all favored. If you launch a product on this day, June 2, you might wind up losing money on the entire project.
This aspect of Saturn opposed to the Sun might be felt in your personal life, if you have a shared checking account with your spouse – it could come up low or even zero, and you might not know why. Or, you and your partner may not agree about a matter involving money. Be vigilant about identity theft, as this aspect may affect you that way. Or it may be that you expect venture capital funds but find out at the last minute that those funds aren’t being wired as promised, when a partner or sponsor / investor suddenly pulls out. These are terribly distressing circumstances. I was thinking of not telling you about how Saturn will be acting up, but then I felt it would be better to know so you won’t feel broadsided.
Two days later, the new moon in your eighth house of other people’s money will arrive, and Saturn will oppose that moon too, making you quite budget conscious when it comes to taking a vacation, which seems to be coming up in July. No worries – you can find a package that speaks to you. Tuition for college or graduate school might have you on edge as the moon also rules not only distant travel but also higher education. If you are in a court case, don’t discuss a settlement on June 2 or June 4, or in the days that surround those dates, as the settlement is apt to be far lower than you expected.
The eighth house, and Mars, both rule all kinds of medical surgery, including dental surgery, so if you have the option, you might want to wait until July or August to schedule your procedure. Don’t wait too long as Mercury will go retrograde again from August 30 to September 22. I say if you have the option – if you don’t have a choice, and it’s an emergency, schedule it immediately!
I have a terrible problem with my eyes, as the steroids I took when I was in the hospital for nearly a month in March 2015 ruined my eyes (the meds helped my ulcers, but oh boy, made me nearly blind). Fortunately doctors can fix my problem perfectly. I am waiting until August 1 to have the surgery (all the doctors I saw only operate on Mondays). Mars and Mercury retrograde have helped me enormously, however. I knew I only wanted to be operated after those two retrogrades were over, so I had plenty of time to interview doctors to see what methods they would use to fix me up. (All agree, we are only doing one eye for now, to see how that goes).
I went to get four opinions and all of them were different, leaving me in a tizzy. All four doctors were some of the very best in New York City, and came with impeccable references from other doctors. However, I loved the last doctor I saw, for he was very detailed and communicative, and his method matched what I wanted instinctively. (I was born with one farsighted eye, and one nearsighted eye, which complicated things, but no way did I want my vision averaged or degraded, as two of the four suggested I do. A new lens has to be inserted in my right eye.) Doctor number 4 did a test that none of the others did, and he said that test result changed everything. I was proven right about much of what I had said (but that the others didn’t believe was true). My doctor number 4 asked for my old eye tests done when I was 30 years old. (Mercury retrograde was speaking here.) I got them! My ophthalmologist had them, and my doctor is studying them. Sometimes Mercury and Mars retrograde are your best friends. In the meantime, today I am pulling my hair out because is so darn hard to see. Still I am happy that I am getting closer to August 1 when hopefully, my sight will change for the better.
We feel retrogrades of planets that orbit closest to earth the most – Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Venus is in fine shape right now and is not going retrograde any time soon. Mercury, as said, already turned direct in May, and Mars will turn direct on June 29. I am happy that Jupiter, the great healer, just went direct too on May 9, and will stay that way until February 7, 2017. Even though Jupiter is an outer planet that we don’t feel as directly, we do feel his presence. Having Jupiter direct too is a plus when contemplating important surgery. There are other factors when choosing a date, too, so it’s always wise to consult an astrologer if you have the option to schedule your surgery.
Now let’s turn to the full moon in Sagittarius 29 degrees, when you have another emphasis on money. This time the full moon will light your second house of earned income, while the new moon of June 4 will energize your eighth house of other people’s money. These are the two financial sectors of your chart. Last month, on May 21, you also had a full moon in Sagittarius, in the very same house, different degree, so it appears the emphasis has been on money for weeks. Last month may have represented Part 1 of your financial decisions or actions, and this full moon, June 20, will bring Part 2. This full moon will bring to an end financial talks, and it appears, you may see money come in unexpectedly, for Uranus, now based in your sixth house of work projects, will be beautifully oriented to that full moon.
All month we will have what is called a Grand Mutable Cross in the sky, which means planets are not due to get along with one another. The Sun, new moon, and Venus will be at 90-degree angles to Neptune, as well as Jupiter, and 180 degrees from Saturn. This forms a box pattern where tension is hard to be released. There are three kinds of cross patterns: Cardinal Cross, Fixed Cross, and Mutable Cross. This is a Mutable Cross because all the heavenly bodies involved will be mutable signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces. The Mutable Cross is the easiest of the three kinds to fix. Mutable signs are flexible and open to other’s views, and they love to talk. The way out of any briar patch that you might find yourself in is to act like a mutable sign – talk and negotiate your way out.
There will be no more full moons affecting your finances for a year. Saturn has been spending a lot of time in your second house of income and savings (since the better part of a year-and-a-half) however, making you more thrifty than usual. If you’ve tried to get a large raise in salary from your employer, or if self-employed, to raise your prices or fees, you may have been able to see an increase, but not as much as you hoped to see. After December 2017 next year, your entire financial picture will change, and assuming you continue to work hard and smart, lots of money will finally begin to flow your way. All that you are doing now will count for something big.
In regard to home-related matters, if you have to sign a lease, buy or sell property, find a new roommate, are decorating your apartment, want to schedule repairs, or do anything else home related, you will have your chance. You will love the opportunities that come up over the weekend of June 11-12, and including Monday, June 13, for these are super days to search for answers. Uranus will be smiling at the Sun, bringing surprises, breakthroughs, and all sorts of luck and happiness. If you want to help a parent for any reason, this weekend would alternatively bring options on that matter too.
Now, in closing I will address the gorgeous and very exciting alignment between financial powerhouse Pluto and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. This will happen on June 26, but you will also feel it in the days that approach this day, and the ones that follow. Pluto, one your rulers, is in your agreement / contracts solar third house, so you may be signing a contract or shaking hands on a deal that has huge future potential. Everyone will love this day, but you may love it more than other signs, for Pluto is one of your two rulers.
This aspect tends to spell success in all business dealings, provided you did your homework in advance and don’t act impulsively. This is such a fantastic aspect because it is rare – we won’t see anything similar until 2020, and that will be a conjunction. (October 2018 has something a bit weaker, but nothing like this month’s alignment.) The third house, where Pluto is located, also rules travel, so you may be visiting a client for a face-to-face meeting, a good idea. If you have the choice of signing on June 26-27, or waiting a few days, I would suggest you go beyond the date that Mars goes direct, June 29. I particularly love July 1, when Venus and Jupiter will trade signals. Pluto and Jupiter are exceedingly slow moving planets, so both will still be close enough to be significant. If you recall, I mentioned at the start of your forecast that you may be a bit jittery about money due to the new moon of June 4. This lovely aspect involving Pluto’s support of Jupiter, coming June 26, is special. The seed you plant at this time could bloom brightly – see what comes up.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

June represents a bridge to a better part of 2016, to come in July and to improve even more in August. You are almost halfway through 2016, and so far, life has been tough. Sleepy retrograde planets, five in all in May, have made you feel as though you have been walking through glue. It was hard to make progress, but the slow pace of recent months – Mars has been retrograde since April – has forced you to look closer at some of your most important relationships, projects, and future actions to find ways to get things right. Retrograde planets can be frustrating but they often do allow extra time to improve things.
June brings a challenge from the moment the month takes off, for taskmaster Saturn will oppose the Sun on June 2. This is a tough, deflating aspect so you may feel like a black cloud has moved over your head. Everyone will feel this, so you are not alone. Fortunately, the depressing circumstances only last a short time, but they can be quite noticeable. Saturn is now in Sagittarius, and the Sun is now in Gemini, in your seventh house of current or former partners, whether in business or your personal life, in terms of an established partner you are committed to in love. This is all cutting across your first and seventh houses, so you will rightly feel things personally.
Ever since Saturn moved into Sagittarius, to your first house of your personality and desires, you have been determined to set the foundation for a new future. Saturn has not been in Sagittarius since 1985 to 1988, so visits from Saturn are rare, last almost three years, and can be life changing in the benefits they bring as long as you work with Saturn.
This month we have a difficult vibration, for Saturn is cold and icy, and the Sun is hot and fiery, an incompatible confrontation to say the least. A male partner (or ex-partner) is about to concern you. I say male, for the Sun points to masculine energy. You may see a side of character of this person that either enrages or depresses you, OR, you may be worried about the health and well-being of your partner. In that second possible translation of this aspect, you may feel your partner is under too much stress, and may feel moved to help him. This would be a terrible day to get engaged or married, or to sign a business partner or collaborator (such as a writing partner or new agent or publicist), as it would carry the aspects of this day throughout your term together.
If you don’t have a partner in love or business, when this house is under pressured aspects, like now, you may be challenged by a competitor, for the ancients called the seventh house not only the marriage / partnership house, sealed by contract, but also “the house of open enemies.” In modern day we call these enemies competitors, unless we work in government or the military, in which case we would call them people who want to do us harm. I admit, this is a tough aspect, and fortunately it will come and go within a few days. If anyone criticizes you on June 2 plus or minus one day, you will likely feel wounded. Don’t let those words crush you – you can go on, for just because one person is critical, it doesn’t necessarily mean that person is right. Take a deep breath, dear Sagittarius. Those born near December 4 will feel this the most.
Two days later, on June 4, we have the new moon in Gemini, 15 degrees. This will light your house of partnership and marriage in a bigger way, and this new moon would normally mark a time to get married or to form a serious business partnership. This new moon has some lovely aspects and some tough ones. On the plus side, the Sun, and the new moon will arrive with gentle Venus in your seventh house of commitment. It’s lovely having Venus in your partnership / marriage house – Venus softens and soothes all she touches. However, Saturn will oppose that new moon, Sun, and Venus directly, and this means you may come up short on money, perhaps with more than usual bills to pay. (Don’t worry too much about money, for your outlook is good, and your fears may be assuaged by month’s end.) Saturn will be in hard angle to Neptune in your home sector, so a problem may pop up there, and to Jupiter in your prestigious career sector (Jupiter never sends affliction, so no worries there). Saturn’s strong role in this new moon suggests your best way to handle things is to be practical and realistic. A new moon in Gemini is mainly intellectual, so do your best to remain unemotional.
This new moon will be fending off many planets, and creates a box pattern, and forms what we call a Mutable Cross – when planets move into almost exact calibration to form a perfect square. Energy bounces off the walls of the box, trying to find an escape or release, but finding none, creates tension. You are a mutable sign – those include Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces. (The other two kinds are the severe Cardinal Cross and the not easy Fixed Cross.) Mutable crosses are the easiest to untangle, as these crosses are not rigid – in fact, mutable signs are flexible, adaptable, communicative and open-minded. The person you are dealing with may not want to change their opinion or plans, and may be making demands, but little by little you may be able to get them to compromise. The way out of the bramble bush quagmire is to listen to others’ opinions, debate them, and to keep talking, for that is what mutables like you do best – talk. You are good at this, so you can do this.
Travel may prove very difficult in the first week of June, and for this, blame Saturn’s challenge to the Sun. It would be best to put off an important business trip or vacation for later in the month. All kinds of media projects will go smoother in the latter part of the month too, from June 13 onward. If you are in a court case, nearing a verdict or settlement, see if your lawyer can delay things to the middle of the month, when the tide begins to turn to your favor.
A good sign that things will work out, despite the problems that might be generated that the new moon June 4 creates, is that Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini will be in friendly conversation with Neptune, the planet of vision, love, and creativity. I feel the results of your efforts will have a happy resolve, even though you may have to get over bumps and lumps along the way.
Later in the month we will have a full moon in Sagittarius, June 20, at 29 degrees, the degree of completion. This will be the second full moon two months in a row in the same sign, Sagittarius, but of different degree (1 degree). Last month, if you have a birthday that falls on or within five days of November 22, you would have felt that May 21 full moon most directly.
This month, if your birthday falls on December 20 (minus five days), I know what you are thinking – “Great. I get two full moons in a row in my sign! Why is the universe picking on me?” No, this is not necessarily bad news, for full moons bring conclusions and closure. You are getting closer to what you truly want in life, and to what will bring you the greatest happiness.
All Sagittarians will feel both full moons, but as delineated, some more than others. I love that the full moon of June 20 will be in elegant angle to Uranus, the planet of surprise, ruling your third house of agreements and contacts. You may be able to make a surprise agreement with the person who has given you pause. Uranus is currently based in your fifth house of originality, so your creativity will be very high, and you may be finishing a project that gives you great satisfaction, industry attention, and praise. You may also, as a side bonus of great magnitude, have a romantic interlude that keeps you breathless, no matter what your marital status happens to be.
No discussion of June would be complete without a nod to Mars, a planet that has been driving us all a bit crazy since it started to retrograde. We feel planets that orbit close to earth (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) more directly than the outer planets. Venus has been in fine shape, but Mercury went retrograde most of May, along with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Mars was, and still is, the one to watch. Mars first entered Sagittarius on March 5, but went retrograde April 17. Mars will still be retrograde this month, but will turn direct on June 29.
Mars has actually been in your sign Sagittarius, since March 5, and for the first time won’t be in Sagittarius – Mars retrograded into Scorpio on May 27 and will stay in Scorpio during June and July, and won’t move back to Sagittarius until August 2 through September 27. Mars’ move into Scorpio for June and July suggests you’ll get the rest and feeing of ease that you will dearly need, as this year the pressure has been almost relentless. You will get a chance to catch your breath and plot your course.
Now, here is the best news of all!
On June 26, Jupiter and Pluto will be aligned perfectly, a rare aspect that almost always signifies success and financial bounty. Jupiter is your ruling planet, so when it has conversations with powerful other planets, that is important for you to note. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is currently in your solar tenth house of career, and Pluto is in your solar third house of earned income. The two planets will be linked in a very powerful way, for both planets are considered heavy duty, expansive financial planets. You are likely to come into an important career opportunity at this time that you may or may not recognize instantly as one that has enormous moneymaking potential when first is presented. Trust that if you plant a seed at this time, it is likely to grow to the sky and flourish beautifully. Pluto is known to take the good fortune that Jupiter provides and multiply it many times over.
This aspect won’t return in a similar way until October 2018, but will not be nearly as strong as the one coming to you this month. A better alignment of Jupiter and Pluto will come in April 2020. You see how rare this aspect is, so you need to take full advantage of it – it will bring you prestige and money, both.
Big aspects like this one usually come in threes, often, each time in the same sign. That is true for this one too. The first “pass” of this aspect came last November 26, 2015, which was last Thanksgiving Day for Americans. Next, the second pass of Pluto’s alignment to Jupiter came March 16. What discussions did you have, and decisions did you make? You might want to look at your past emails to see what you were thinking about at that time, and the plans or actions you made.
Those two dates are when Pluto and Jupiter made the first of three alignments and you will have the last one now, on June 26. That is a Sunday, but you will feel this aspect on the days leading up to it during the work week. I feel an enormously important opportunity to grow in stature in your industry may come to you on or near June 26. That date falls on a Sunday, but you will feel this on the days leading to the weekend of June 25-26, as well as the days that come after it, See if you can plan to have a meeting or to sign a contract near June 26. However, ideally I would like you to wait for Mars to turn direct June 29, because Mars helps you compete to win in any arena you enter. Sign on July 1 if you can – Venus and your ruler, Jupiter, will be in sync, providing you with an ideal day, filled with profit potential.
This month will emphasize your closest relationships and your desires. If you are single, you will have one dazzling weekend over June 11-12, and including June 13, Monday. Perhaps you can take a little three-day trip – you certainly would benefit from spending time in fresh air and a different setting to sort out recent events and what you’d like to do next. These three days sparkle brightly, so see if you can plan a quick getaway.