This month will be about receiving important new work projects, or if self-employed, you may bring in new business. You will also focus on the condition and health of your mind, body, and spirit. Despite how busy you will be, you will have time for fun too. There is a lot to do, and you can be productive, and as you get your tasks done and out of the way, you will be clearing the decks for the second half of the year that will be the most glorious part of 2016. It will be as if the universe collected all the gem-like aspects in the palm of its hand and spilled them all over August and September. Know that October through December will be strong months, too.
The month starts off on June 2 on a difficult note. Your ruler, Saturn, will directly oppose the Sun, a meeting of ice and fire, touching off concerns about your health, or about money, or both. Saturn makes us see reality, with no room for wishful thinking, but you, of all signs, cope well with Saturn, for Saturn is your ruler. When other signs are running in circles screaming like Chicken Little that the sky is falling, you stay calm and regard Chicken Little as a little chicken that needs to change her medication.
The news you receive on or very close to June 2 can be harsh. It might not be too terrible if your dentist tells you need dental work such to fill a cavity that will also require an expensive crown. Something like that is fixable. Or, more serious, it may be that you will become concerned about a male who reports to you at work. The transiting Sun is in your sixth house, so this person would not be a co-worker, but rather a subordinate who works for you. This person may be someone you know at home – your gardener – or at work, such as your assistant. (The Sun involved in any aspect usually points to masculine energy.) It seems your heart may go out to this person, and you may find a way to help.
Two days later the new moon of June 4 will arrive in Gemini, 15 degrees. This normally would be a sweet new moon if Saturn had not made plans to mettle in all that this new moon will try to do. You may get new assignments or new business (as mentioned at the start of your report), but the directive you get may be unclear, sending you off in the wrong direction. Ask a lot of questions. Or, as a result of the new moon, you may schedule your routine medical exams, as the sixth house rules both work projects and steps you take to stay healthy.
This new moon will arrive with the Sun on her arm, and Venus will be part of the entourage. Saturn will confront all three heavenly bodies, so if you take on a new project, it will be an arduous one that would require attention to detail. However, it would have the power to teach you much in a new area, and it would also give you a chance to showcase your talents. Saturn will also challenge the Sun, giving you temporary jitters about money, and this seems to be related to bills you need to pay. I say that because the Sun rules your eighth house of mortgage, student loans, taxes, credit cards, and other such financial obligations. Don’t freak out because financially, you will do well very soon – this appears to be a blip on the screen.
A case in point that your finances will be looking up may arrive on June 13, a sterling day, when you will have a superb chance to make more money, perhaps by getting a raise, by bringing in new business, or by making a big sale on June 13. On that day the Sun and Uranus will be in alignment and bring surprise cash to you out of the blue. The Sun rules your solar eighth house of other people’s money, and Uranus rules your solar second house of salary. Those are the only two financial houses of a chart, and here as you see, both financial houses will be linked. I feel you will do every well with earned income on this day.
Saturn will also give Venus a hard time on June 4, and Venus rules your love life (married or single) and your career. Either or both may bring up an obstacle. Admittedly, this new moon is a mess, and because new moons start trends, it might take weeks for you to sort everything out. This doesn’t mean you can’t be productive – you can. You just have to be vigilant, determined, and organized.
Part of the problem with the first half of 2016 was that beginning on April 16, Mars went retrograde in your twelfth house of the subconscious mind, intuition, dreams, hunches, and also things that happen off stage and behind closed doors. The twelfth house is also the place that healing takes place of the mind, body, and spirit. Mars’ job is to provide the energy that gets projects and relationships cooking. Indeed, Mars is the energy planet, and the one that gives you the courage to tackle endeavors that require patience because they are difficult to achieve. Mars helps you take on endeavors that just a few years ago would have seemed beyond your ability to handle.
With Mars and Saturn in your twelfth house, you have had an enormous amount of energy focused there, the last house of the horoscope, symbolizing the end of a cycle, and the preparation for a new one. This means you seem to be tying up loose ends and getting ready in the second half of 2016 to set off in a new direction. This same part of the chart rules intuition – yours has been evolving to new heights, and it is still very active this month. Use it!
The first, sixth, and twelfth houses cover your health in the horoscope, and recently you have had emphasis on all three houses. These very same houses rule other parts of life, and I will get to those and list them, so you can judge where you think the emphasis will be for you. You have had Saturn, the solar system’s taskmaster, in this area of your chart for over a year, and Mars since March 2016. This is the area of healing for the body – where a surgery or procedure would be involved – or concerning the mind, making the past months and weeks a superb time to seek help from a therapist, priest, or rehab facility. This month you have a full moon, June 20, which remarkably is the second full moon in Sagittarius two months running and will bring one of these types of matters just listed to a finish.
Alternatively, it may be that you have been working on confidential matters, such as a product launch, or a corporate merger or takeover, or another business or government project that required great secrecy. In that case, the June 20 full moon would bring those matters to a finish. Allow a plus or minus four days from that date. A new secret matter may come up in early August, or another phase of the endeavor you have worked on, but by September 27 of this year, you truly will be, as they say, done and done.
Another element related to Mars is that Mars is the natural ruler of your fourth house of home. With Mars retrograde since April 17, if you wanted to move, buy, sell, lease, fix up, or decorate, or find a new roommate, as some examples, Mars’ slow backward orbit did not do you any favors. If you were beset with delays, you now know why – blame Mars retrograde.
Mars will finally go direct on June 29, so home-related projects will begin to perk up and go more smoothly from that date onward. Having said that, it will take Mars time to ramp up to former strength – until August 22. You won’t have to wait that long to see life start to beat to a faster tempo, and you will notice the change almost immediately. Watch the days that surround July 29 for a clue of what area of your life is about to push forward. All planets give subtle but very definite clues of how things will change for the better on the day, plus or minus one day, the planet turns direct. Your clue may center on home and family, or on friends and your social life – or both areas.
As Mars retrograded, Mars slipped back into Scorpio on May 27 late last month and will remain in Scorpio until August 2. As a result, your social life is about to pep up magnificently in a way you’ve not seen in months, and you will be able to let go and breathe. I will come back to Mars in Scorpio at the end of your report, but suffice to say, you will love the change.
You have an interesting full moon coming up, for it will fall in Sagittarius, 29 degrees, on June 20. You previously had a full moon in Sagittarius at 1 degree on May 21. It is rare to have two full moons within four weeks of each other in the same sign. This tells me something is evolving to a conclusion. Think back to last month, and think about what happened at that time, for this month’s full moon, June 20, may bring Part 2 and a final ending to the matter, whether in health, psychology, rehab, or alternatively an important work project. This full moon falls at 29 degrees – the last degree of the sign is considered a degree of completion. Whatever happens at this full moon, it will mark the end of the chapter for you and you may be glad to see it happen.
Venus will be in Gemini at the start of the month, but once Venus visits Cancer, June 17 to July 12, your social life will begin to glow. In Cancer, Venus will be in your house of marriage, commitment, and business alliances, so whichever type of partnership is where your attention lies this month, you will find that your interaction will be smooth. Venus brings ease, happiness, and fun, and in a business sense, a profitable outcome. (Venus is not only associated with love, but also with profit.)
No matter how difficult the beginning of June might have been for you, by month’s end, you will have the most beautiful aspects possible for business and for romance. Let’s take business first.
Over the weekend of June 25-26, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will receive golden beams from transformative, powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn. Whenever these two planets are in harmony – and here they will be in rare, supreme harmony on June 26 – success and financial growth are around the corner. This configuration happened twice before in recent time, last November 26, 2015 (Thanksgiving in the US); March 16, 2016; and now, on June 26. When big planets come together to form a transformational aspect, they tend to come with three separate alignments, like Jupiter and Pluto are doing now. These two planets rarely meet. We will see a weaker alignment of these two planets in 2018 but a more important meeting of Jupiter and Pluto in April 2020. You see why you must find a way to use this configuration!
Plant a seed of an idea with a business colleague near Sunday, June 26, or earlier, on June 23, or the day after the weekend, a Monday, June 27. Pluto and Jupiter orbit very slowly around the Sun, so they will be within tight mathematical significance from June 13 to the end of June. If you need to sign papers, I would ideally prefer you do so after Mars goes direct on June 29. I would suggest a beautiful day, July 1, for your signing when Venus, the ruler of your career house of fame and honors, will be in sync with Jupiter in Virgo, now based in your ninth house of legal agreements. If your contract is with a person or firm based in a foreign country, or is a media company where you will be involved with communications in publishing or broadcasting, your luck will be boosted even more.
June won’t be all about health, work, and business deals. With Mars now in Scorpio, you will have time to see friends in June and July, and turn away from the focus on confidential or health matters that you’ve had since March – and be able to kick up your heels and let go.
The month ends with a madly romantic day, Monday, June 27, when Venus in Cancer will receive a thick, lovely shower of silver dust from Neptune, the glamorous planet of love that teaches the value of the kind of love that goes so deep that you are willing to give up something for yourself so that your partner can benefit. Neptune will be in the short distance travel house, so see if you and your partner can take a quick trip over June 25-27 (a long three-day weekend) to a romantic setting near water. You might go to a cottage by the seashore with frothy white surf, or to a resort at a beautiful, quiet lake. It is true that this aspect favors those who are attached because Venus will tour your house of marriage and established partnerships, but single Capricorns will benefit too.
As you see, the month starts off with a heavy cloud cover, but by month’s end, you will soon see the Sun shining brightly through those clouds, and by month’s end, all those clouds will be gone. Keep the faith – you will prevail at the end.
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