All work and no play might make the Lion and Lioness a dull little creature, so it’s time to kick up dust. Last month you’ve had your mind on career, but the universe, in its wisdom, feels it is time for you to have fun. June will start on a shaky footing however, so you may wonder if you can really enjoy life when you experience a few bumps during the first week. You are ruled by the Sun, so when the Sun makes an important aspect to another planet, you notice that conversation. Here is what I am talking about:
On June 2, taskmaster Saturn in Sagittarius in your house of love will directly oppose the Sun in your house of friendship. Saturn is cold and icy, and as a Leo, you are warm and fiery, so this incident may temporarily put a damper on your spirit. A friend or lover may make you upset by being critical of you or the person you are dating, or may do something that interprets as betrayal of you. This is a weighty aspect, and not an easy one. Every one of every sign will be feeling the heavy cloud cover that June 2 will bring, so be aware that it’s not a day to present ideas to others – the person you would be talking to may be going through some sort of disappointment in their own lives too. If you launch a product or service on June 2, it is not likely to ever reach the profit potential you are anticipating. It’s possible that on June 2 you will feel overworked and overtired by tasks you have to complete at home or for work. You will be super-sensitive to any criticism that is directed to you.
The new moon will come next in Gemini at 15 degrees along with the Sun and Venus, all filling your house of friendship. Again, Saturn will be stirring the pot by opposing the new moon directly. Socializing is usually fun for you because you are so gregarious, but this week, one friend may seem to be more like a burden OR an area of concern (because you care about him or her), so life may not feel exactly carefree. Alternatively, you may feel an obligation to a friend who may be in need and facing a crisis, and if this is how things work out, you will want to help.
There is one other way that the first week of June might work out for you. It may be that you have a creative project on your desk that you simply must work on before you can do anything else. In this turns out to be true for you, you will be very cognizant of the responsibilities you are carrying for the project, and the team that depends on you. Life won’t always be this way, so know things will improve in time.
Exciting travel seems in the cards for you this month, for on June 13, Uranus will make a very decisive, positive beam to the Sun. Within days you may be heading to the airport. This day will also be strong for a project involving the media, whether as reporter or subject of an interview or story. You may hear news from the courts out of the blue that will help you.
You have such a warm nature that you tend to know how to make the best of everything that happens to you. Because this June 4 new moon will be in Gemini, an air sign that blends well with your Leo fire element, you will likely find a way to deal with those little lumps and bumps that will come up in the first week. After you get beyond the first week or so, you will still find time to work in a bit of fun. Go shopping, have lunches and dinners with friends, take in a museum exhibit or a rock concert, take a trip to a pretty setting, and you will feel whole again. If your birthday falls within five days of August 7, you will be the most favored Leo and can find ways to make yourself happy despite all that might be swirling around you.
More socializing will come up at the full moon, June 20. This will be the second full moon in Sagittarius in your fifth house of true love two months in a row. The first came last month, May 21, and that one was in an early 1 degree that reached out to Leos born within days of July 24. If you have a birthday that falls within five days of August 22, you will feel this month’s full moon in Sagittarius, June 20.
The way this full moon will work out is that if you have been dating, this full moon could mark a serious moment in your relationship where you decide to continue or to end the relationship. It seems conditions have kept you apart – say, your sweetheart has to travel a lot, or attend graduate school in a distant location – for Saturn is testing your attachment to your partner, but you seem to have adjusted to those unusual conditions because they have been doing on for more than a year. This will go on for at least 18 more months, but those meetings might be very exciting and sexy when they happen. Leo loves drama – the times you get together might be made for the silver screen.
This area of your chart, where the full moon will fall, rules your love life, and anything having to do with pregnancy, birth, and the care of, and love for, children. Full moons bring decisions and final phases, so you may be deciding on a matter of importance involving plans to have a baby, or special care for a child you have now. You might be sending your child to camp, for example, or getting your child a special tutor to help him excel in school. These types of things do come up. I feel you will like this full moon because Uranus will be so sweetly angled to it. Travel seems to come up again, quite spontaneously. The second half of July might be a perfect time for a vacation. If you want one – go.
Additionally or alternatively, if you’ve been involved with a creative project, such as with writing a screenplay or auditioning for a movie, you will get the answer back at this time, and it is likely to be an answer you will like, especially if your birthday falls on or within five days of August 22. This full moon will come in cheery angle to Uranus, planet of unexpected developments, so the surprise that comes up is likely one that pleases you. Uranus is in a travel house, so as I mentioned just now, the possibility for a fun, surprise trip is very real, or some other dazzling news might come out of the blue – you may be interviewed in the press, or have one of your creative projects finish up, get glittering reviews, and feel great pride in your work.
Mars is still retrograde and has now (as of May 27) backed into your solar fourth of home, so your attention will now switch to your residence or other property you already own or rent, or want to buy, sell, or lease. You will have all of June and July to work on your home-related plans. If you want to rent a vacation cottage, this would be the time to do it. Alternatively, you might instead be focused on helping one of your parents. Your mother and father may be moving, or one of your parents may not be well and need a bit of assistance managing their finances or finding an aide to help out with shopping, cooking, and other day-to-day activities. No matter what you need to do to help your parent, the right solutions will surface if you look for them.
Mars retrograde is causing life to proceed slowly. Mars’ brother, Mercury, was retrograde last month, but thankfully Mercury went direct May 22. Mercury rules communication, negotiation, contracts and commerce, so now all that will clear up and you can sign papers again. (Best day to do so – wait for Mars to turn direct, and schedule the signing for July 1.) Let’s first talk about June 26.
At month’s end, one of the most glittering aspects of 2016 will come up. Jupiter and Pluto will align perfectly on June 26, and both planets are associated with big budgets, and big financial rewards. Jupiter is currently in your solar second house of salary and other earned income, and Pluto is in your house of workaday work projects. This could turn out to be a landmark day for agreeing to a new assignment. If you are estimating an important creative project, don’t be shy – ask for what you feel is your due – this is an aspect of considerable reward.
This aspect won’t happen again for years, and never again in these two signs. You had three passes of Jupiter in great angle to Pluto recently – November 26, 2015 (Thanksgiving for Americans, last year), March 16, 2016, and now. After this, these two distinguished planets will shake hands, tip their hats to each other, and go their separate ways. Make June 26 and the next day, Monday, June 27, work for you – both days will be excellent for you. This aspect translates into big project, big money. Wonderful!
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