This month will strongly emphasize money, in terms of earning more money, paying out money you owe, and purchasing things you want and need. Career may bring surprises, and opportunities for love will be there for the taking. You have a solid month in store so let’s get started.
The month starts off with Saturn opposed to the Sun, the one difficult aspect you will need to steer clear of to keep your sanity. The areas that this aspect will cut across are your two financial houses, so you may feel short of cash, or depressed with how your determined efforts to make more money are being thwarted. This is only temporary, not a sign that you are necessarily doing anything wrong. Your Sun rules your home and other real estate you may own or rent, and this is where your attention is likely to be drawn. Alternatively, it may be that you will want to help someone in your family – most likely one of your parents – who may need your help, and if so, you will have to drop everything to lend a hand. It takes most people a lot of courage to come to the point of asking for help, so once someone does ask, I feel we should help, especially if this person is a good friend or relative.
The new moon will come one day later, June 4. This new moon will light your house of earned income and is the only one of the year to fall in your second house of salary and other earned income. It is one of your best chances to get a raise, but this new moon is flawed and must be handled carefully. Saturn will be in your house of credit cards, loans, and other money you might owe others. This could mean that money will come in but go right out to pay bills you owe, but if so, be glad you have the money to take care of those obligations. Nothing is worse than having invoices you can’t pay – such stress. If you work for others, you might as well ask your boss for a raise if you have not received one in a while, assuming you feel sure you deserve an increase. If you are self-employed, I can give you other dates to edge up your fees. I feel it won’t work too well this month, and you don’t want complaining customers or clients! (My favorite day for you to raise your rates? August 22.)
Neptune will also be at odds with this new moon, too, suggesting you might not have a piece of information that you need to understand the big picture. That puzzle piece, once you receive it, may explain why you can’t get as much of a raise as you had hoped. Somehow, the picture will be blurred, so ask many questions. If you feel documents are not completely forthcoming, demand full disclosure.
Travel won’t be too easy in early June either, as Saturn will conjunct the moon. You probably have been viewing the masses of people standing in three-hour airport security lines at the airport. If you must travel in early June, go to the airport very early. I say this because Saturn will oppose the new moon, and the moon rules your short-distance travel house. This third house that will be lit up also rules contracts – but I advise that you sign nothing until later in the month. This new moon of June 4 will present a grand mutable cross, where many planets are forming a perfect box pattern, each 90 degrees from the other, with four squares and two oppositions.
A mutable cross is not as terrible as a fixed cross or the very difficult cardinal cross – a mutable cross is made of mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces and are the easiest to untangle. The way to get out of the deadlock of a grand mutable cross is to communicate – talk! By sharing information honestly and yet diplomatically, you can clear the air. Otherwise, the mutual cross will stalemate you and there will be no progress, only miscommunications and no understanding of the other person. Start to address the needs of someone close in you or who is prominent in your business life by listening with both ears. By doing so, you can melt the crosscurrents of a mutable cross. Of all cross patterns – cardinal, fixed, and mutable – the mutable is the easiest of the three to fix.
Your glorious career day, when sudden news may make you excited, will be June 13 or 14, a Monday-Tuesday. The Sun, now in your earned income solar second house, will receive a silvery beam from Uranus, planet of surprise. This is the day when your previous request for more money may come in and probably be approved, out of the blue. Yet with Uranus, there is always a twist – something you’d have never expected, so simply stay full of anticipation. Uranus is the natural rules of your solar tenth house of career. The news may be that you have an offer from another firm or that you are getting a promotion. Or, if self-employed, you may bring in an important new client that you’d never have expected would come to you. This same aspect may alternatively give you good news about your home or other property you might own or rent. The Sun is the natural ruler of your solar fourth house of home. You may hear exciting news about your career AND property, so stay alert – these sweet possibilities are not mutually exclusive.
Last month, on May 21, you had a full moon in your eighth house of other people’s money, and something was coming to culmination. You may have received a bank loan or a mortgage, venture capital, or a final answer on an insurance payout or inheritance. The odd part about this full moon on June 20 is that last month, May 21, you ALSO had a full moon in the same sign, Sagittarius, in the same part of your chart. This happens, but it is not common. I feel you will see part 2 of a financial topic and that you will be able to finalize things. You have Saturn in this financial house, which always makes matters go slowly, with much red tape. If you have been working on the fair division of property in a divorce, this full moon is likely to end it all. Mars is now in your seventh house of partner and ex-partner, and Mars can sometimes cause arguments. See if you can avoid a confrontation. If you can’t, well, then get all your feelings on the table and talk it out.
Mars has been retrograde since April 17, and continues this month in that mode. Mars will move direct later this month, which is welcome news, on June 29. Mars is the planet in charge of energy, courage, passion, and drive, and also is the planet that helps you to win in competitive situations. Without Mars’ help since mid-April, you’ve had to work harder and longer to shepherd projects through the channels, and even so, you may have had problems making your product or service stand out in the marketplace, or if you have been interviewing for a job, you have had a tougher than usual time to find ways to stand out from the crowd of candidates. Now Mars will go direct, and life will improve many times over. Last month you also had Mars’ brother, Mercury, retrograde and Mercury since moved forward on May 22. (Not to be overlooked, Jupiter turned direct on May 9, and that will help your love life substantially from now on.) As you see, day-by-day, things are getting better and better. While Mars won’t resume former robust shape until August 22, you need not wait that long to act. Be optimistic and move forward at month’s end.
One of the most important and elegant aspects of 2016 is coming up June 26, a Sunday. Pluto will be in perfect harmony with Jupiter. Both planets are associated with financial gain. Pluto is now in your solar ninth house of foreign people and places, but also rules the courts, successes in regard to publishing and broadcasting, and good news stemming from academic actions taken. Meanwhile Jupiter is in your fifth house of love and creativity, so it appears your ideas and artistic expressions could trigger thundering applause for work well done, and hefty profits too. Mars will go direct on June 29, only three days after the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, and because both planets are outer planets that move infinitesimally slowly, you can wait until after Mars turns direct – I like the first day of July, July 1 best, for Venus and Jupiter will be at superb angles.
In terms of love, Venus in Cancer from June 17 to July 11, you have a superb chance of finding someone new and intriguing at the very end of the month, on June 30-July 1. You also have Jupiter working in much more powerful ways now that he went direct May 9. In so many ways, the hardest months of 2016 are now behind you. The universe planned 2016 to sparkle from July through December 2016, so you’ll like June and like July and August even more!
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