Saturday, 8 April 2017

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Pressures at work are mounting as a result of the recent new moon in Aries at the end of March, and everyone, of every sign, is feeling those stressors in different ways. Saturn was in hard angle to that new moon, and because Saturn is in your workaday sector, it seems part of the problem is too few people are in the department to get the assignment out. This means everyone will likely have to shoulder more responsibility for a while, possibly making most workers cranky or overtired. This is a situation that will go on for several months before it will be fully resolved, so pace yourself, dear Cancer.

Management may not have the funds to hire more recruits, or, if you are self-employed, you may not be able to find qualified, experienced, affordable workers to pitch in. You’ll have to use ingenuity to bring about a resolve. The key may come from a friend who seems to have an original yet practical idea that you may be able to use. Additionally, if you belong to a professional society, Mars’ position suggests that one of the members can give you a great idea to solve your staffing situation.

The full moon of April 10 will find you pulled in two directions, between needing to give erratic demands from clients or management at work and wanting to enjoy the positive, comforting situation culminating at home. Your living space or a family member, most likely a parent, seems to be on your mind. It is clear that home will win all your attention at this full moon. Your family adores you, so nestled in their presence is where you will likely find a cozy haven against the volatile forces your workaday world. Uranus is opposition the full moon to tight degree, so your nerves are likely to be on edge near or on April 10. Every one of every sign will feel the tension, but fortunately Jupiter is prominent too, and will add a soothing element You may feel your life is in very high contrast this month, with home bringing good news, but work bringing a cascade of challenges that have to be solved instantly as they come up within four days of April 10.

With Mars moving into Gemini and your twelfth house on April 21, see if you can work outside the office during the rest of the month through the first week of June. You might want to work at home, in your home office, or at the library, away from the dramas that appear to be bubbling up regularly at the office.

Let’s pivot now to the social activity you can look forward to doing this month, which will bring exciting news after the new moon of April 26 arrives, plus ten days. It seems you are getting ready to enjoy a festive event with friends. It might be that you will be attending a wedding, birthday party, or victory party for friend who won a promotion. Whatever it is, you will be able to kick back and relax. In coming weeks and months, you will be able to join friends more often, as this new moon will open up your schedule in subsequent weeks and allow you more free time to enjoy friends.

Venus has been retrograde since last month, March 4, and will go direct on April 15. It will take a little extra time beyond April 15 for Venus to be strong and helpful again. Venus governs beauty and affection, so April’s first three weeks would not be a time to look for someone new to date, or to make any dramatic changes to your appearance. Follow along on tried and true skin care program rather than experiment, and don’t book a new dermatological treatment, and avoid scheduling plastic surgery. Save those actions for May, when better aspects prevail. Venus is the natural ruler of your home sector, too, so you may change your mind about a vacation home you want to rent, or in your choice of roommate, as two examples. Make no firm choices involving a living space or the care of an elderly family member. This is a month to think, and not act quite yet.

Making things more complicated, Mercury will be retrograde too, from April 9 to May 3. Don’t rail against delays – go with them. Mercury will retrograde in your career and friendship house. Professionally, you’ll have to go over old ground and change projects to fit new dictates from the client or management. Socially, however, you’ll enjoy a benefit of Mercury retrograde because Mercury will be moving backward in your friendship sector, so you’ll see at least one beloved friend you’ve not seen in a long time. It will be exciting to catch up and share stories.

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