Saturday, 8 April 2017

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You are the celestial favorite this year, for you have Jupiter in Libra. Under normal circumstances, life should be sunny and bright. Still, the new moon that arrived late last month in your committed partnership sector may have brought up an old wound with your spouse or with a family member. It will take time for you to sort out the details, so take your time.

This month, Pluto may continue to dredge up feelings from the past that have been long forgotten and that perhaps you have been tempted to avoid. Still, by thinking about those long-buried emotions, and gathering more information about the situation, you may come to a new perspective. Planetary aspects are there for a reason, and although confronting an old memory may be painful, in the end you can come to greater peace and satisfaction.

This month is truly about looking back not forward, for Venus, your ruler, is retrograde, a trend that started March 4 and continues until April 15. Until you reach month’s end, you won’t make a lot of progress, but progress isn’t the point – reflection is the more important element here. Among other things, Venus is bound up with your self-image as well as with your feeling in a romantic relationship. You will now decide whether you have had the right perspective and may make adjustments if the answer is no, it was not quite right.

With Venus out of phase, it’s not the time to make a radical change to your appearance – no plastic surgery, no dramatic change of hair color from brunette to blonde, for example – but doing routine grooming is, of course, fine and necessary. Avoid experimenting with new and untested dermatological treatments in favor of sticking to all tried and true beauty procedures and products. Venus also rules your commitments, and with Venus in a weakened state, you won’t have access to her greatest powers. In other words, it’s not the month to become engaged, for example, for the union might eventually frustrate you with its lack of emotional support.

Mercury will also be retrograde this month, from April 9 to May 3. This will affect your view of your partner. As you see, not only is your appreciation of yourself under review, your feelings for the person closest to you may also be subject to change. You need not come to any final decisions, for in the smoke and mirror environment of April, few things will turn out to be exactly as they seem. Sign contracts next month, not in April.

On April 10, the full moon will fall in Libra, so something of enormous importance is about to come to culmination for you, within four days. The emotional atmosphere – so prevalent in the start of April – may bring tensions to a crescendo. Your partner appears to be acting erratically, making you wonder what to think. Allow your partner some slack, and wait to see if a pattern of behavior emerges or if this month is simply an aberration of character. Again, avoid a rush to judgment and be generous.

Your expenses will run high this month, for Mars is coaxing you to increase the balances on credit cards. You may discover you need to pay a sum in taxes, but don’t be blue – many people are in the same boat, and once Venus normalizes its orbit, you will find many new ways to make money. Alternatively, you may want to apply for a mortgage or re-financed mortgage plan, or seek venture capital or sponsorship for a business idea. It is a good time to examine your financial standing in all areas, perhaps by seeking advice from a trusted financial advisor. It’s also the right time to assess your insurance coverage to see if it is adequate to cover your evolving lifestyle.

If you feel short of cash, you may be able to find additional funding at month’s end (or be paid what you are owed by then) because of a friendly new moon in your financial house due April 26. At that time, you can set up a workable plan for your future and gain a feeling of strong financial security, thanks to a helpful beam from Saturn.

After all your calculations, negotiations, discussions, and decisions are done, you will be ready to break free by taking a lighthearted, broadening trip to a place you’ve never been. You will feel greater sense of ease and have an ability to travel to a distant location once Mars enters Gemini on April 21, to stay until June 4. Take this as your signal to go. Later, when Mars enters Cancer in early June through most of July, you won’t be able to go anywhere, as career opportunities will be too delicious to ignore. If you take up one of the offers, you’ll want to be at your desk proving you are the star that your boss or client feels you are meant to be. While you have an ideal time to take an adventurous vacation at April’s end, do so!

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