You've been busy lately, so you seem ready to bolt out the door for an adventuresome vacation. The new moon of March 27 last month started you thinking, and you will be able to flee town, for you have plenty of planetary energy in your travel sectors. Alternatively, you might have other things on your mind other than actually traveling - a topic centered on a publishing or broadcasting assignment, or a legal matter.
When it comes to your career advancement, you are also getting mixed signals. On one hand, you have had Mars in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement since March 9, and will to continue to host Mars there until April 21. This is a sure sign that you should have no trouble getting the attention of VIPs. Clearly, this alone shows you are anxious to move ahead.
However, your timing is not quite right for making career gains for several reasons. First, Venus is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of professional acclaim, the same area Mars is visiting, but Venus went retrograde on March 5 and won’t go direct until April 15. Mars will remain in this part of your chart until April 21. You will start seeing career progress gradually after April 15, and much more so after May 20, so trust this to be true – keep to your program and know success will come soon.
Adding more complications, Mercury will be retrograde almost all month, from April 9 to May 3, giving you the feeling like you are walking through glue. It is generally not wise to accept a new position during Mercury retrograde. You will notice Mercury’s slowdown as soon as April begins. You will need patience, for Mercury will be moving backward through travel and financial sectors, the very areas that are energized and where your thinking will likely be centered.
The full moon, April 10, will emphasize your commitments and contracts, as well as your plans to travel, this time a short distance. Any contractual deal on your desk this month appears to be a generous one, and you will be tempted to sign immediately. Yet by the full moon, the timing will be even worse than signing earlier. Mercury will be in full speed retrograde, and Venus won’t be vibrant and alert either. Put off signing any papers. Verbal acceptance is considered the same as a written agreement, so delay giving a final answer. Your environment will be too volatile to bring about a good resolve.
Sit tight with career matters until you get to the new moon April 26, a rather lovely demarcation line, for that new moon will help you forge a major career breakthrough, the best of 2017. The compensation package being offered at month’s end will likely be generous, too, particularly in terms of benefits, such as health insurance, commission, bonus, and vacation days, flex time, and so forth.
If you are artistic, this new moon April 26 will help you sell your ideas, for creative Neptune is transiting your house of other people’s money. Further, a supportive Saturn, planet of long-term gain, will bolster this new moon. This says if you have your feet on the ground and come across as realistic, steady, and cognizant of budgetary constraints, you will impress financial types who will be in the process of assessing your experience, ideas, and potential.
Pluto will be powerfully helpful too, beaming from your house of assignments, saying that if you need funding or approvals to launch a project, you may be closer to getting a green light than you assumed. By May 3, you will be home free – Mercury will go direct, and all the work you put into your career will gradually start to bear fruit. By May, Venus will move into fire sign Aries, a brilliant place for Venus to be for Leo, and you’ll be in happily in clover on so many fronts: romance, career, money, and having plain old fun.
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