Saturday, 8 April 2017

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You are under superb aspects for generating money, but money matters nevertheless seem to be causing stress. The new moon that appeared late last month on March 27 put a focus on bank loans, mortgage, court settlements, child support, and division of property in divorce, court settlements, taxes, insurance, commission, and other such funds. Although you should do well financially, Uranus will act up and bring to the surface hidden information that needs to be discussed and sorted out before you can move forward. Your love life may have brought up differences in opinion about money with a romantic or business partner. This disagreement may have to do with a question involving a child or a creative project. These types of matters could dominate first part of April for you.

On April 11, the full moon will mark a time when you have to decide what to do about financial negotiations or questions that have been consuming your attention. You will be pressured to sign your name on a contract, or to simply make a verbal agreement – don’t. In astrology, a verbal agreement is considered the same as a written one. It’s too soon to make up your mind or to know which changes you need in that contract.

Venus will be retrograde at the time, a continued trend from March 4, and will turn direct April 15. Venus rules your second house of earned income, but with Venus asleep, she won’t be in a position to help you. Still, no planet turns to full power instantly; Venus will be lackadaisical and not fully up to speed until May 18. This suggests that at the full moon, you may change your mind about a certain plan or course of action you had been thinking about over the past three months.

Underscoring this trend of uncertainty is that Mercury will be retrograde from April 9 to May 3. Mercury is your ruler, and the planet of communication, negotiation, and perception, so things will be a bit “off” this month in those areas. Fortunately, as a Virgo, you are flexible and also a deep and critical thinker, traits that will serve you well at the full moon.

Long-distance travel may be coming up, or, alternatively, you may have to focus your attention on your aim to get a university education, advance a project involving the media, or think about a legal matter. Travel seems the most likely area to light up. Mars will energize this area of your chart by moving through your ninth house, and so Mars will give you the option to pack and go. Considering the tensions concerning money that may come up earlier in April, being in a new setting for a while later will free you to enjoy life and regain your sense of balance.

The new moon in Taurus, April 26, will be your friend, for it will rally lyrical Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto – a trio that can add stability, more fun, and a closer rapport with your partner. At the same time, Venus will tour your relationship house, smoothing the way to meaningful discussion that can lead to a feeling of understanding between you and your partner, whether you are united in a love or business relationship. For sure, the end of April will be your favorite, and with Mercury about to turn direct May 3, you will see the pace pick up and projects will start to move at a fast clip.

Backtracking to April 21 for a moment, your career will light up brilliantly once Mars enters Gemini on this date, to stay until June 3. This period will help you lay the groundwork for a big career opportunity to come up after the new moon next month, May 25. To make the most of it, prepare by reorganizing your CV and if you are creative, putting your newest completed work in your show-and-tell portfolio. Time spent now getting ready for a big leap forward in your career at the end of May and early June will likely help you get not only one, but two offers.

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