Sunday, 24 July 2016

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Just days ago, Mars, your ruler, went direct course after months of going at a snail’s pace in retrograde. It’s been a long wait – Mars became weak in early April even before the retrograde started, finally went officially retrograde April 17, and at long last, went direct on June 29. Why does this matter? Mars is the booster rocket to all your important initiations. A powerful booster rocket takes the big heavy rocket that is aimed to, let’s say, the moon. Once the little booster gets the rocket high enough and in the right orbit, he falls away, salutes the astronauts, and goes on his way, confident he has directed the big powerful rocket correctly on course. Do you get the idea?
Let me say this a different way, just in case you don’t get what I am saying. Let’s say you want to cook a great vegetable soup – you chopped the beautiful fresh vegetables, put your pot on the stove, and tried to turn on the gas on the stove, but there was no flame. That’s what it is like when Mars is retrograde. It is hard to get things cooking.
Mars’ position in a chart suggests where your main attention will be drawn for a period of time. Mars went into Sagittarius on March 5, so your mind has been on a person or an entire group of people (possibly relatives, friends, or business associates) based in a distant city. Yet things have not been entirely easy. Mars retrograde has been on low power, so you had to provide the energy yourself. Now things will be easier. You will notice a quicker pace – and you may have already started to feel things pick up noticeably as June wound down to the end. It is always wise to look at the events that surround the turning of a planet from retrograde to direct. Allow five days before and after June 29. Have a look at your appointment calendar and your recent emails – there lies important clues to your new, stronger direction.
As you begin July, you have a friendly new moon, July 4, in Cancer 13 degrees, and the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Cancer, will accompany that new moon. You can now make great progress in terms of your residence or other property you may own or rent. In regard to family matters, you may be thinking quite a bit about one special person. Or, you may have grand plans for a move, redesign, or the purchase of new furniture. You might simply want to buy new linens or a comfortable, heavenly mattress. So many planets aligned in one part of your chart show likelihood of great progress. Even if you say you have no money to spend on home, you may get lucky and find new additions at bargain prices. Mars will be in your house of credit cards and loans, but in elegant angle to Venus (to be exact July 6, but within range all that week of July 4 to 9). It seems you may have to put out more money than you had planned, but the item of great beauty you see may be worth the extra cost, for you may love it forever.
At the same time as this new moon, an assignment may come in, pay well (or go very smoothly), and most importantly, ignite your imagination. Neptune will also be in alignment with this new moon, and it will also bring opportunities to show your creativity. Pluto will still be within important range of Jupiter, too, an indication for growth and profit, but here is the little problem. Pluto will oppose the gang of planets partying in Cancer in your house of home. This suggests that you will feel a bit torn between demands of work and those of home in coming weeks. You may want to refresh your home and make it more reflective of the real you, but at the same time, demands of your boss or clients will keep you wedded to your desk. See how this works out.
Before you get to the new moon, on July 4, you have one sweet day, July 2, when Venus and Jupiter will be beautifully oriented. Again, this is another indication you are bent on finding the right things to bring to your home, and at the right price. If you have a partner or roommate, that person will be on board with all your plans to make your space more inviting and comfortable. If you are looking for a new space, browse listings over this weekend.
Another standout day will be July 8, when Mercury and Jupiter will be in perfect alignment, in a mathematical aspect called a sextile, denoting opportunity. You would have to do something to get the benefits of a sextile – it won’t come by itself. It’s a perfect day to give a talk, sign papers, hand in your manuscript for a book, defend your thesis, or give a presentation. Mercury rules all communication, and it also rules travel, another wildly favorable option.
The weekend of July 16 brings mixed messages. On one hand, the Sun and Uranus will be at odds, but on the other hand, Mars and the Sun will be in ideal alignment. Mars and the Sun will combine energy to make you feel your very best – strong, courageous, and ready for strenuous undertakings. The Uranus challenge to the Sun will give you a need for freedom. This is a potent weekend, and it might be easy to overestimate your powers, so by all means, feel strong, but within realistic bounds. What I am trying to say here is that extreme sports (and other daring moves, physical, emotional, or financial) might be better left to another date and time.
The full moon in Capricorn 28 degrees on July 19 will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, a very important moment in the year. This is the one and only full moon you will have in this part of your chart, so be keyed to what happens. Again, aspects will be mixed. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will have a strong supportive role, and that’s key to this full moon – it seems you will do very well, and a project you have been working on will be revealed and is about to bring all sorts of praise and publicity. Mars is in a position to give you even more support, and now that Mars is stronger than ever in direct speed in your ninth house, ruling travel, the media (broadcasting, publishing, the Internet, and digital world), and matters regarding the attainment of higher education, one of these areas will glow for you. You will also have good news in regard to legal affairs.
The only planet that won’t be cooperative at the full moon July 19 will be unpredictable Uranus. Now in Aries, Uranus will be at odds with this full moon and will throw in some sort of unexpected twist into the situation. Stay on your toes and keep your eyes in 360-mode. Because Uranus is in Aries, I feel duty bound to tell you that it might be you that overturns things with an impulsive remark you may blurt out. This is the only planet that can cause surprises, so keep your antenna up, and just when you feel like doing something impulsive – don’t. Keep in mind that the other two planets – Mars and Jupiter, so helpful now – are on the board of directors of the solar system. In fact, you may even be told that a bonus, commission, or other good financial news is on the way.
Romantically, things are looking up, especially in August, but you may see glimmers this month, too.
Sunday, July 10, will bring so much enjoyment to you when the Sun and happiness planet Jupiter will work together. Travel a short distance, be outside with your children and partner, or be with the person you are dating. Go hiking or take a long walk, create a classic picnic, or if you stay home, have a gathering or cook up a dinner with the person you love. You cannot go wrong on this magical day.
Venus will move into Leo on July 11, to stay until August 4. This is such good news, for Leo rules your fifth house of true love, and it is also a fire sign like you are with your Aries Sun. Shortly thereafter, the Sun will also move into Leo on July 22 for a month. You most likely way to find love will be not at work but through social events, while relaxing. While Venus is gracing your sign, go shopping for new things to wear – things you love so much that you will want to tear off the tags and wear that outfit that night. Venus will help you find the most flattering things for you.
The month will end with a lovely aspect on July 26, Mercury, now in Leo, in tight favorable angle to Uranus in Aries. You may hear very good news – possibly about love, in the form of a text, email, or phone call or even by express mail. Or, you may decide to travel spontaneously, and if so, it will be such a fun trip!

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Life is improving every day, dear Taurus. The first day, July 1, brings a hopeful sign – Venus, your ruler, will be in magical angle to Jupiter, the great good fortune planet. This will link love to travel, so as July opens, consider a taking a long weekend trip. I will explain why I feel a trip would be so very good for you this month.
On July 4, you have a new moon in Cancer at 13 degrees that will light your third house of short, quick travel. Accompanying that elegant new moon will be the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Cancer, a water sign that blends perfectly to your earth-sign Sun of Taurus. A location that includes lush greenery in a beautiful mountainous setting would be the perfect place for you now. With Cancer strong, be sure the setting is located near water as well – put those together and you have the makings of a sumptuous getaway. Cancer is a family sign, perfect for bringing your partner and children – you will find them cute as can be, even if they are older now!
Associated with this new moon will be Jupiter and Mars, both highly supportive of the new moon, bringing you outstanding chances for romance and fun. Jupiter is still in Virgo, making you the sign most likely to fall in love or thoroughly enjoy love (at least until September 9, the date when Jupiter will leave this placement). If you have already found your one true love, you can deepen your relationship. It matters not if you are single or married, dating a short time or a long time – every Taurus will benefit from this new moon, as long as you travel. (No need to go far!) All new moons open a window of opportunity that last ten days or more, and might affect you for a year or more – delightfully so. The way astrology works best is to make an effort to use the goodness behind the new moon.
If your birthday falls on May 3, plus or minus five days, this new moon will be speaking directly to you. This would also be true if you have Taurus rising 13 degrees, or a natal planet of that degree in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Taurus, all plus or minus five degrees. If you know your chart and fall within those mathematical guidelines, then the chances are you will be packing your bags.
I will admit that Uranus will be in hard angle to the crowd of planets in Cancer on the new moon July 4, so we all have to expect Uranus to throw something into the spanner that will require quick thinking (this is true for every sign). The unexpected event might have something to do with your career – for example, you might have to save a deal or project that will be rolling off the rails, or it might be that mechanical problems related to electronics, computers, or the moving parts of a machine will need your attention. Try as you may, it is almost never possible to guess what Uranus, planet of unanticipated events, is about to bring up.
I have meditated about the meaning of this Uranus, and I feel that the cosmos has a plan for us and interjects Uranus’ unpredictability so that we will learn to become resourceful, flexible, agile, and creative when we meet up with obstacles we don’t expect. When Uranus is well aspected, we get unexpected help. That won’t happen in the first half of July – you’ll have to roll up your sleeves and think your way out of the situation, but the point is that you can.
Just days after the new moon, we have a lovely day coming up, when Venus in Cancer will be in ideal angle to Mars in Scorpio, both beautifully angled to your love and commitment houses. This day will exert just the right level of electricity to make a first meeting memorable and romantic. It will also help other Taurus who just want more fun with their partners. This is a warm and sexy vibration, just made for you.
I also love July 8, when Mercury will receive golden beams from Jupiter, an ideal day to sign a contract, making an agreement, and again, for travel. (I know I say this over and over that you should plan a getaway this month! I can’t help it – the stars have a plan for you now, and it is very clear!) Mercury rules your solar second house of income, so you may get very good news about a sum of money that will be due to you now or soon.
The weekend of June 9-10 should be heavenly. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will work with the Sun to bring on a highly romantic time. This is a somewhat rare aspect, especially because Pluto is about to add his gifts to Jupiter too, still within range of an aspect these two planets made on June 26. Pluto and Jupiter creep across the sky. (Pluto takes 258 years to circle the Sun, so you can imagine.) The moon will be in Virgo, a fellow earth sign, and on July 9, that moon will join with Jupiter in your fifth house of love. It’s hard to imagine a more stunning, happy weekend for love.
More travel is indicated later in the month, for on July 19 at the full moon in Capricorn, you will have the chance to journey quite far and love it even more than the first trip. In fact, because this is a full moon in Capricorn 28 degrees, it can bring a finish to your travels within four days after the date the full moon appears. The trip you take later, to a more distant location, appears to be for work, such as to see a client to generate profits. Generous Jupiter will be in elegant angle to the lunation protecting your finances. If you are doing import-export, or any international work, the way things go should please you. If you have a middleman, such as an agent or broker to represent you, that person will watch out for your interests. If you decide to go for a romantic trip instead, that, too, will work out really well.
If your birthday falls on May 18 plus or minus four days, you will feel the powerful, uplifting effect of this full moon. Similarly, if you have Taurus rising 28 degrees (or close to that degree), or a natal planet or moon at 28 degrees (plus or minus five degrees) in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you, too, will benefit.
Venus, your ruler, will be in Leo from July 11 to August 4, so when you come home from your travels, you will enter into an ideal time to do entertaining. This same period would be ideal for finding ways to embellish your home by adding plants or flowers, new accessories, or other touches to make it more enticing and modern.
A fantastic day for your career will be July 27 – a Wednesday – so don’t be away on vacation at then. Mercury will receive an electric beam from Uranus, so good news about your career will arrive suddenly and without any warning, because Uranus is the planet of surprise.
Uranus will go retrograde on July 29, and stay retrograde until December 29. This means your very best opportunities will happen now, prior to July 29. After Uranus starts retrograding, you will be wise to look at what professional choices you have made and see what projects are on your plate now – you will have a great chance to improve on the projects already in progress.
As you end the month and start thinking about August, it appears your home will gain much more of your attention then, as a sweet new moon is set to arrive August 2. It is one of the nicest ones of the year for you to make home-related progress. In the meantime, travel, and have a good time in July for this month, travel and romance are linked.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It is time to ask for a raise. If you are self-employed, gradually raise your rates this month to see the response – chances are your adoring public will be willing to pay. On July 4, you will have the new moon in Cancer, 13 degrees. Filling your house of earned income, along with that new moon, will be the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. That is a great deal of planetary power focused in one part of the chart, and that should give you heart to take a step forward. Do so just after the new moon arrives, July 4, not before – you will have ten days in which to act. I love that Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in ideal angle to this new moon, suggesting you can get that increase, for when Jupiter is involved, profit and money are usually always around the next corner.
I love that Mars is also in an ideal position, and Mars is located in your workaday sixth house, the place in the chart that covers assignments and projects that you will be asked to do, or that you create yourself. In your case, with Mars so sublimely angled in even tighter mathematical aspect than Jupiter (I am splitting hairs here), it shows that business will be brisk and money will flow, another sign that you will be surrounded with a healthy financial atmosphere.
Mars had been retrograde since April, and only recently, on June 29, went direct. Now you will see a great blast of energy around you – people will be decisive, projects will be funded, and you will no longer feel as though you are struggling to push against headwinds. The wind is with your sails, dear Gemini, and it’s forward-ho from now on. Neptune, in your house of fame and honors, will be perfectly positioned too, so your career will do well at this time, and your face may be “out there” for all to see, so the buzz will be positive about you.
You may say you have a million reasons why you think this would not be the right time to ask for a raise, but I say, it’s the time now to increase your income, or be content to wait a full year until you get the next new moon in your second house of earned income. That will be June 23, 2017, but at that time next year, Saturn will be very close to an exact opposition to the new moon, so your chances of getting a decent increase next year will be diminished. This doesn’t mean you can’t get any raise in mid-2017, only that it will be harder for you to do than it will this year, and so next year you will have to be more persuasive. Why wait?
You could take a look at the outlook for your rising sign, if you know it. In my book, “The Year Ahead FORECAST for the Second Half of 2016 into 2017,” I talk about the prospects for money for all the signs in 2016 into 2017. Treat your rising sign precisely as you would your Sun sign – exactly the same. Of course, to know your rising sign, you would have to do a chart with your precise time of birth to the minute, along with the day, month, year and city of your birth. To have me do your natal chart for $55 plus shipping, go to and I will write a custom book for you explaining your entire chart in a clear, easy-to-understand way. My custom books are made possible by print-on-demand technology. If you do your horoscope chart (you only need to do it once, as it will never change), you will get so much more out of my monthly horoscopes. In this month’s case, I would like you to read for your rising sign to see if you have another opportunity soon to see more income.
The week following the new moon, July 4, is when you need to make your most vital initiations. A new moon always opens a door of opportunity, and it will be up to you to take full advantage. On Wednesday, July 6, Venus and Mars will be in sync, joining your house of work projects to your house of money, so something you are working on is likely to lead to profit.
The end of the week will get even better. On Friday, July 8, your guardian planet, Mercury, will combine energy with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, making this day superb for all kinds of communication. You can give a speech, have a vital meeting, give a presentation, sign a key contract, defend your thesis, argue a case in court (and be so persuasive you’d probably win), win a debate, or travel. Any area involving communication, travel, electronics, apps or software, telecommunications, and the digital world will go well. You should find this to be a sparkling day – put a star on it!
If you have any goal involving real estate – closing on a house, leasing an apartment or vacation home, buying new furniture, choosing a contractor or if you have, beginning work on your kitchen (as an example), finding a roommate or tenant – you can do any of these activities and be pleased with the results over the weekend of July 9-10. Jupiter and the Sun will be in cahoots, and this is incredibly good news for you. Use this to announce any home, property, or family matter.
The theme of money will intensify at the full moon in Capricorn, 28 degrees, on July 19. This one will bring to culmination a matter that involved a very large sum of money. It could be that some time ago you borrowed (or withdrew) a large sum to invest in your business, for example, and if so, that investment will now come to culmination. Or, at this full moon, you may borrow money, such as a large mortgage or line of credit, or get infusion of venture capital. Or, you may get news that you will be making quite a bit of money by commission, bonus, royalty, cash advance, inheritance, court settlement, divorce agreement, or other source. This month’s new and full moon will truly be all about money – spending it, making it, investing it, and seeing profit.
I like this full moon because again (just like at that full moon) Jupiter will be acting like Miracle-Gro plant food – making your venture expand much more than you would assume possible. (Jupiter is at 20 degrees and the full moon is at 28 – Jupiter is just close enough to help.)
Even better, the full moon will conjoin Pluto, adding a great deal of power and force to the full moon and the episode you are dealing with at the time. You seem to be talking about very big sums at this time – Pluto doesn’t mess around with small amounts. If you are a woman, the moon is always read as feminine in astrology, so you should feel in charge – Pluto will see to that. If you are a man, you will set the tone and call the shots at any meeting or financial event you have on the agenda. This seems to be a win-win situation. Again, Mars will be in sublime angle – very tightly angled to this full moon from the work projects house, giving energy and push to all you are doing.
The only fly in the oatmeal will be Uranus, in hard angle to this full moon, adding an element of an unexpected, out-of-the-blue challenge. Uranus rules your ninth house, and that area covers legal matters, the media (in terms of a publishing, broadcasting or Internet projects), academia, and long-distance travel. Something seems to rise up, but it would be impossible to guess what that would be – that is the nature of Uranus. It may have nothing to do with the financial talks you are having, or it might. Uranus is in your friendship house, so it’s possible the news might instead involve a friend.
There is one more aspect to note before the month is out, and it’s a sweet one. July 26 brings your ruling planet, Mercury, in Leo in a sparkling angle to Uranus in Aries. You may take an unexpected trip near this date, perhaps to see a friend (or to be with one). This might be a week where you will be able to take a few days off, and if so, this would be a lovely day to travel. August will be wonderful for you, especially for travel, and you will get a glimpse of just how sweet next month will be in July’s last week.
In love, you do best when Venus is in Leo, from July 11 to August 4, for Leo is a fire sign that blends so well with your air-sign element. Go shopping, be open to meeting new people, and attend parties, picnics, and celebrations.
You have a special month coming up.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This is your month to design exactly as you please. How glorious that prospect must be for you! It’s been a long time since you’ve had control over the course of events, and now, in July, you do. There is a certain feeling of luxury in that thought, so let it come over you like the warm sunshine. Let go of everyday cares for a little bit so that you can enjoy thinking about all of life’s possibilities. It’s time to reach out and pluck the plum from the tree – it is yours for the taking.
As you begin the month, planets have migrated into your sign, including the new moon July 4 in Cancer 13 degrees, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. The main focus of the new moon will be on partnerships, both romantic and business in nature. It’s time to decide whether you want to take steps to formalize the alliance. Some dear Cancers will get engaged or married now, while others will draw up papers to make a business partnership official. If you have been very unhappy, things may come to the breaking point by the full moon, July 19. I will tell you about that full moon too. It has many sweet elements to it, so don’t be concerned. All things will work to your favor this month, although there might be a moment or two when you doubt me. Later, however, in hindsight, you will see how fervently the universe worked to further your interests.
This new moon of July 4 is complex in that it has some supremely strong and positive elements to it, but some drawbacks too. Go slowly – August may be a better month to sign papers. Let’s have a close look. On the happy side, Neptune will be supporting Mercury, the moon and Sun, sharpening your imagination and stirring your originality. What a wonderful time the days that follow that new moon would be to focus on a creative project, or to daydream about the new changes you’d like to bring to your life.
Venus will be in Cancer until July 11 and will make you sparkle at any gathering. At the same time, Jupiter, from his perch in Virgo, is currently in your travel sector, and will bring happy experiences while going short distances. Be spontaneous and enjoy a sense of freedom that you’ve not quite felt in a long time.
Mars will be in the ideal position to help you, too, as Mars will be in fellow water sign Scorpio, and in that position, happy as a little bug nestled in a rug, sending shimmering beams to Venus, making early July a warm, loving, and sexy time. You will have considerable appeal, and if you are not aware of the effect you are having on others, you may be bewildered by the attention you get. That’s a lovely problem others would like to have!
On the other hand, Pluto will oppose this new moon, and if you are married and your mate has acted in a stubborn, domineering way, this new moon might give you a clue about mounting tensions that might spill over later, by the time you get to the full moon, July 19, two weeks later. See how things go – I will discuss that full moon in a second, but trust that the full moon will have sweet elements to it, too. The person in your environment that Pluto will be pointing to this month might not be your mate or steady lover, but rather, your agent, manager, business partner, or other professional collaborator who is being disagreeable and even dictatorial. Dealing with Pluto to reach some semblance of compromise is nearly impossible, for Pluto takes no prisoners and uses a scorched earth method of negotiation.
Another different possibility to this trend brought on by Pluto is that this person may not be a business or romantic partner, but rather a competitor who will use unfair tactics in an attempt to steal large chunks of your market share. This person would be operating out in the open, not hidden in the shadows, so at least you can see what is going on. I know you’re laughing – “Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a plus!” but dear Cancer, it is, for you won’t have to guess what this person is doing behind your back. You will see the actions clearly and out in the open, and then you can decide what to do. Cancer is a fiercely intuitive sign, so use the insight your inner voice will whisper to you to your advantage.
If your birthday falls on July 4, plus or minus four days, then you will feel this new moon very directly, with both the lovely support of Neptune, Jupiter, and Mars, and the possible frustrations you may feel from a partner or a competitor.
As you see there is a complexity to this new moon, but only if you have someone who seems like a pushy, my-way-or-the-highway Pluto person in your life.
The romantic elements are very strong in the first ten days of July. Cancer is a reserved sign, and as a rule does not seek a lot of attention, but this month, attention and affection could easily find you. Take special note of how well things go for you in matters of the heart when Venus in Cancer receives sparkling vibrations on July 6.
I also love July 8, when Mercury will be in sync with Jupiter; you will have a superb weekend to travel to a place near water (always a Cancer favorite) as well as near mountains and lush display of nature.
Over the weekend of July 9-10, we have a very powerful aspect, when the Sun in Cancer will receive greetings from Jupiter in Virgo. This would be the most magical weekend of the month to travel, and it may be one of the best of the season. So much will go your way this weekend – it’s due to be that sweet. Mercury rules communication and commerce, so you may get a message that thrills you, or you may buy something very special. If this is your birthday, the joy that you feel over of this weekend could set up a theme of happiness that will follow you throughout your entire birthday year.
As promised, I will now talk about the full moon in your opposite sign of Capricorn, 28 degrees, that is set to light your house of commitment, marriage, and serious partnerships. The tables seem to turn by the time of this full moon. The full moon will be conjunct Pluto, so by now you appear to be ready to stand up to anyone who is giving you a hard time. Let’s not forget the moon rules Cancer, so the position of the moon is vital to seeing your forecast each month.
Mars will be very supportive, and so will Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Pluto will be too far away to give you problems, but Uranus will act up too, by being in exact hard aspect to the Sun, so you may encounter some sort of turbulence in your career. It will likely involve a higher-up or client that causes you to feel thrown off balance by something that comes up unexpectedly. Or, it may be that conditions in the company are changing suddenly, and news will require you to make a sudden adjustment. Wear your armor. There will be no way to anticipate what or who will surface, so stay on your toes and be as flexible as you can be. We will all feel this, no matter what our signs, so go with the flow and do your best.
If instead it turns out to be a competitor that will give you pause, then you will have enough planetary power to deal with that person at the full moon. In the complex month, Pluto will still be within tight range of a gorgeous trine to Jupiter, a lovely and rare aspect denoting enormous potential for profit and gain. This will be true all month, not just at the time of the full moon, and may explain why you are trying to stay with this partner. It appears you need the opportunities or financing this person can bring to you, but at the same time, you might find the process of dealing with this person maddening.
As you see nothing is exactly straightforward this month, but then again, that can be positive. Because aspects are not all bad means you have plenty of planetary help to call on when you need it. The Sun back in Cancer should help, too! Although what happens from Pluto may not be fair at all times, if you bide your time and quietly build a strategy, you can eventually win.
If your birthday falls on or near July 19-29, plus or minus four days, you will feel this full moon the most. However, if you have a birthday that falls on July 4, plus or minus three days, you will feel the effects of Pluto the most. If that is you, then you may have to talk over what is upsetting you and have ready several ideas of how to make things better. (I always feel coming into a meeting with only one idea is a dangerous – you need several. After all, you have the attention of the person you are talking with, so you might as well make the most of the meeting by showing your resourcefulness. It is the only way you will be able to win or to at least get to accord.)
This full moon is mainly harmonious, but like everything this month, the sentiments in the air will be a little mixed.
I love that Jupiter will be friendly to this full moon within the 8-degree limit, close enough to be of enormous help. Jupiter in his position in the third house will give you the words to say, or, if you are working with your lawyer, to find the right clauses to put in a contract. Mars will be in ideal position again too, softening the effects of Pluto.

Leo (July 23- August 22)

All indications are that this should be a quiet month where you can be highly productive, without fear that the usual distractions will pull you off course. Mars is now speeding direct, having been retrograde since April 17, and recently normalized orbit on June 29. You will find that the pace of life will soon pick up, for Mars is the energy planet that ascertains that ventures are ready to go and properly launched.
Mars has been languishing in your home and family sector even before Mars went retrograde April 17, so if you’ve tried to buy, sell, or lease new property, you may not been enthusiastic about your options – you now you have a better chance of finding your dream space or getting the right price. The furniture you may need might be readily found as well, possibly at an attractive bargain price during July sales. Mars, in Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family, is now striving toward getting back to full, former strength, and that process will happen by August 22. You don’t have to wait that long – you seem to have waited long enough – so gradually start to put your home and welfare of your family back as a top priority in your schedule.
If you have tried to find the right roommate or tenant, to no avail, your chances of finding the right person has just shot skyward – keep looking. You can schedule the painters; do repairs; de-clutter; buy new furniture, a mattress, new linens, and accessories; or have your rugs shampooed and the windows washed. By the time you get to the year-end holidays, you will be all set, ready to welcome guests. Aim to finish off your list by the time the month is out. If you cannot, you will have another option at the new moon October 30.
You will have all of July to search for the right home-related options. Mars will re-enter Sagittarius from August 2, a zodiac sign it’s been in most of the year, and will fill your fifth house of true love in August and September, making your outlook for romance quite excellent for the first time in many months. Previously Mars was lighting your true love sector, but was debilitated – now it’s stronger and gathering even greater strength.
In the meantime, on another topic, many planets in Cancer will be filling your twelfth house, indicating that you will be in static mode for an important initiative you are about to take on. You seem not ready to show (or even talk about) the project you are working on, but may be able to do so quickly after the Sun moves into Leo on July 22. An even better time to reveal all will be after the glorious new moon August 2.
This month you will have the new moon in Cancer 13 degrees on July 4, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all gathering in your twelfth house, and each in water signs (significant). That situation often points to you being especially prescient in July, a time when you may get intuitive feelings that are very strong but can’t quite explain. You must follow those feelings. The messages you pick up may come as subtle hunches or in the form of a prophetic dream. No matter what feelings you notice, you should heed the messages they bring you.
Planets in the twelfth house during July’s first three weeks also suggest great productivity on creative projects when working alone behind closed doors. Alternatively, because the twelfth house also rules places of confinement, so you might opt to go into the hospital to have an operation you’ve put off, or will have physical therapy to add comfort and mobility to a part of you that has caused pain or showed impaired movement.
Later in the first week of July, on July 6, Mars will contact Venus in a highly romantic configuration. On this day, you might have a blind date that works out exceptionally well, for you may find you have great chemistry between you. This is also a great day to make a sale. Or, you may be told you are about to earn more very soon!
Only two days later, July 8, Mercury and Jupiter will be in sync, and again, earning more money again appears to be in the cards. This is another stellar day for financial news!
One of your very favorite days of the month will be July 10 when the Sun, your ruling star, will receive generous vibrations from good fortune planet Jupiter. This is when you have the Midas touch, and money will again flow to you. July 10 is a Sunday but you will feel the benefits of this planet earlier, Friday, June 8, and also later, Monday, June 11, too. Schedule a presentation, sign papers, send in a query letter, or have an interview.
Not only will the Sun and Jupiter be in ideal harmony, but Pluto will be in sync with Jupiter too at the same time, a rare aspect indicating you could see a project grow into quite a highly successful venture. Part of the reason for the Jack-and-the-Beanstalk growth will be because you are thinking in big, grand terms, and also because you have the managerial skill and smarts to get it done to perfection.
The full moon, July 19, at 28 degrees in Capricorn, will have you finishing a project that will likely bring you good money now or later. Pluto will be in perfect angle to the full moon, so you will be quite the leader of the team, making sure every detail is right. Jupiter will be well angled, so you can make money from this assignment if self-employed, but if you work for others, your fine performance will be noted and you may see a raise as soon as the eclipse September 1.
This same full moon may bring a health matter to finality, and you seem to be around medical people, for yourself or a beloved relative or friend. If it is you, you may see the end to a protocol of treatments or of a series of physical therapy, or you may simply begin to feel better after you get certain medicine.
As you know (if you read Twitter), I have been very seriously ill with severe bleeding in my intestines for two years, since April 2014, that came up suddenly and without warning. Doctors were ready to take out all my intestines in three operations two months apart. Then, on a full moon like you have now, they tried a new, just Federal Drug Administration-approved drug that they infused in my arm. They said it would take a few months to work. I was skeptical, and estimated it would take until February to work. When February dawned and I wasn’t quite well enough yet, I was ready to give up – but by February’s end, a complete recovery occurred. I started my first infusion of the medicine on a full moon in my health sector, and it was a positive, friendly full moon like you will have July 19, influential plus or minus four days. You see, there is always reason for hope. They say my recovery is miraculous.
Mars, in lovely angle to this full moon, will provide energy and vitality to your health and also, at the office, Mars will bring the team together to get your project signed, sealed, and delivered, for Mars will be at the ideal position in the sky at the time of the new moon to help.
In love you will do best when Venus enters Leo, July 11 to August 4. Your allure will be magnified, and you will turn heads – you will love this phase, and you’ve not see Venus in Leo in a full year. Do whatever you would like to do to refresh your appearance – it’s your time, dear Leo.
Best time for a vacation? The last week of July, because it contains the sparkling aspect involving Venus in Leo in perfect angle to Uranus in Aries. Both are fire signs like yours, so you may decide to go at the last minute! Take the entire week off if you can, from July 23 to July 30. Have fun! I am sure you will! Dear Leo – spin your compass and choose a location very far from home.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

July represents a major change over previous months this year – think of it as a line in the sand, separating all that came before in 2016, and all that’s due after, starting now. The front part of the year was difficult because Mars went retrograde on April 17, and you felt the slowdown well before that happened. Finally Mars went direct just days ago, June 29. Why does this matter to you? Mars is the little hot energy planet that pushes endeavors and relationships into high gear, helps you see lots of progress, and helps you be uber-productive. As one of the zodiac’s most industrious of all signs, this matters to you, so you will love the change.
There’s more! Mars is the natural ruler of your eighth house of other people’s money, including such types of funds as commissions, royalties, bonuses, cash advances, inheritance, insurance payouts, mortgage, refinanced mortgage, venture capital, and also, if you are self-employed, accounts receivables that you would get from clients. With Mars retrograde, money was slow to come in, and on another score, people whose approvals you needed were indecisive. Life crept along. If you did manage to make progress, it happened because you literally willed it to – you supplied the yeomen’s effort necessary, effort that would normally have been supplied for you by Mars in active, not sleepy position. It must have felt like you were being forced to watch maple syrup, in agonizingly slow fashion, drip from a tree into a little red pail – after boiled, extremely delicious, but requiring much patience.
Mars will need a little time to return to former brilliance, and that ramp-up process will be complete by August 22. You will not need to wait until then to act on dearly important missions. Each day from now on brings increasing energy to Mars that you can tap into. Payments that were held up from clients will now start to come to you. Influential people will be more decisive, and you won’t have to wait so long to get the green light to go.
Let’s look at the new moon, which comes next, on July 4 in Cancer, 13 degrees. This new moon, in her elegant white gown, will arrive on the arm of the Sun, with glorious Venus and your ruler, Mercury, as part of the entourage, all filling your eleventh house of friends, clubs, societies, and charitable and humanitarian organizations. In essence, the eleventh house describes groups of all kinds, so when people come together for a joint cause, it becomes an eleventh house matter. This area of your chart also rules individual friends, too, and you may make the acquaintance of one this month that can grow into a new friendship. In all, in July, you will see that your long-term friends love you – this month it shows.
I like this new moon because Mars in Scorpio will be in fine angle to the new moon in Cancer. Water signs like Cancer and Scorpio blend beautifully with your earth-sign element, and it’s a fertile combination – earth and water make flowers. Mars will light your third house of quick short travel, so you will get a chance to enjoy going to a new setting soon after the new moon arrives. (A new moon is not powerful for just a day, but is a portal of energy that lasts ten days or more, and allows you to take charge and move into a new area.) Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is still in Virgo, so you still wear the crown of the most favored of all signs. Jupiter will support this new moon, adding the element of fun and even possible profit from mixing and mingling with others, perhaps at a business seminar or conference.
If you are single, this new moon could bring the introduction of someone new to love, brought to you though the kindness of a friend. Your best period will be while Venus remains in Cancer, July 1 to 11. During that time, go shopping, and find ways to look and feel more attractive. Doing so will give you confidence and an eagerness to meet people. During those first eleven days it will be important to circulate and show your face to the world.
If you are in an established, committed relationship, in love or business, this person will inspire you this month, for Neptune will be in a perfect spot in the sky to beam energy to that new moon. You may be inspired by the love your romantic partner / spouse has for you, or at work, you will turn out magnificent original work, thanks to the spark that Neptune will lend to you.
There is one difficult planet, Pluto. I suppose every good story requires a protagonist (you) and a villain (Pluto). He will directly oppose all the planets in the friendship house from Pluto in your house of true love. It may be that your lover doesn’t like one or two of your friends and is vocal about it (or won’t join you when you arrange a dinner with friends). Something seems to get under your skin at this time, but I don’t see this aspect as earthshattering or overly difficult. Pluto is in Capricorn, an earth sign like yours, so the energies blend well. Jupiter will be in fine angle to Pluto too, increasing the chances of the expression of love between you and the person you are with. If a child or children are involved in the episode, they will be protected,
This would be the right time to join a professional or social club – and attend meetings too, of course. Both Virgo and the eleventh house are associated with service to those who suffer, so if you had been thinking of joining a charity, humanitarian cause, or even a political party as a volunteer, this would be an ideal time to do so. If you have little time, you might want to simply do a power walk for the cure, to help raise money for research to support a cause close to your heart.
If your birthday falls on September 4, plus or minus four days, you will feel the effects of this new moon the most. The same would be true if you have Virgo rising 13 degrees, or the natal moon, or a natal planet in Virgo, also 13 degrees, plus or minus five degrees – you will feel the influences of this new moon more strongly than most.
Later that week, on July 6, we have Venus and Mars making a lovely aspect, suggesting that this week (July 3-10) would be an ideal week to go on a short vacation either with a friend or to see friends.
On July 8, your ruler, Mercury will be in sync with Jupiter, creating one of your favorite days of the month. You are golden on this day – do anything that involves communication – write, speak, edit, translate, do research, write code, or design an app. This is a day for you to shine. Being with friends or a group of people would be ideal. You might even decide to go to a sporting event – you’d have lots of fun. (Attending sports is a group event too that comes under your now lit-up eleventh house.)
Sunday, July 10, brings a heavenly aspect, when the Sun in Cancer will reach out to Jupiter in Virgo. Make this a standout day when you celebrate something special with others. The eleventh house is not only about friends and groups, but also is considered the house of hopes and wishes, and on this magnificent day a dearly desired dream may be within reach.
Your love life will become the center of your attention at the full moon July 19, plus or minus four days. It will fall in Capricorn, 28 degrees, and fill your house of true love. This full moon is the only one of the year to fall in your most romantic house – it could be spectacular.
If your birthday falls on September 21, you will feel the effects of this romantic full moon more than most. The same would be true if you have Virgo rising 28 degrees, or natal moon in Virgo, or a natal planet in Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio at 28 degrees and mathematical tolerance. In all these cases, you will feel the effects of this full moon very strongly.
Now let’s turn to the full moon, July 19, in Capricorn, 28 degrees, and influential for a plus or minus four days. It will light your house of love, romance, matters related to pregnancy / children, fun, leisure activities, and creativity. I like that Mars and Jupiter will be in elegant angles to this full moon – Mars will add energy and Jupiter, the possibly for profit.
You may see money from something you wrote, whether that is a manuscript for a book, the lyrics to a song, code for an app, or a speech that you give or that your client will give. Communication-oriented projects should be fruitful.
Uranus, however, will be stirring the pot. Uranus is based in your financial eighth house that I talked about at the start of your report, covering such funds as student loans, bank loans, lines of credit, credit cards, mortgage, commissions, severance, bonuses, cash advances and large gifts, inheritance, and so forth. The funds I listed have brought a roller coaster effect on finances for Virgo, for you have been hosting Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, in this very same solar eighth house of your horoscope. Sometimes the news was exciting and happy, for a lot of money may have come to you in one large chunk. At other times, you may have felt temporarily cash poor, for the money was dribbling in, forcing you to look through the pockets of your coats to find enough cash to get through the week. Unpredictable Uranus in your financial house has caused this extreme situation since 2011, so by now you likely are somewhat accustomed to this situation and have found ways to deal with it.
Uranus will remain in your financial eighth house until early 2019, but remember, sometimes the news about money has been so wonderful you couldn’t believe it, but at other times, you may have been horrified at how much you’d have to pay. On the up side, money may have come from unexpected sources, too, like winning a big stash of cash on a TV game show. On the reverse side, the eighth house rules taxes too, so you may have been thrown off balance by the amount of taxes due. Alternatively, you may have to be vigilant about identity theft near the full moon, July 19.
Uranus will again become active at the new moon, producing an unexpected expense. (I know, this keeps happening. Pisces has the same financial problem in July as you, for that sign lies 180 degrees from yours, and therefore is on the same axis.) The expense that comes up might be related to your travels, or, if self-employed, you find you need to pour more money into personnel, consultants, computers, code, or other parts of your business. If you are a self-employed Virgo, you may be doing an advertising or publicity campaign, or because you are making a big investment in computers or other necessities you need.
There’s another possibility that could come up at the full moon, and this one is not business-related. That could be an expense associated with a friend. If you agreed to be in a friend’s destination wedding, for example, you might find costs rise in a way that alarms you. Keep an eye on how much you are spending all month, as you may not be aware of how high the charges on your credit card are mounting. When Uranus is involved, it is nearly impossible to judge beforehand what could come up – that is the nature of this planet – surprise (but this month, not likely a good one).
Don’t let the prospect of another expense to come near July 19 make you blue. You have enough positive planetary power to take care of what comes up and to still enjoy the company of others. I agree, it is hard to have all this unpredictability when it comes to your finances, and the last thing you needed was Mars retrograde, for it only exacerbated the situation with slowed payments to you or being in limbo over such financial questions as needed infusions of venture capital that were slow to come, or didn’t come at all due to the instability of world markets.
Everyone will feel this twist of Uranus in different ways, so in a sense we are all in the same boat. In your case, it may help to know the universe is about to make a big correction, for you will start to earn more money later this year, more than you’ve seen in years, and whatever losses you have suffered should soon be covered and corrected.
As you see, this entire month is about your private life, and not so much about your career, although you will have wonderful days for your career, where news will be exciting. Schedule interviews and presentations on July 8, when Mercury (news and your ruler) will be in sync with generous Jupiter. It’s a standout day! Also circle July 26 when Mercury will be sent happy beams from Uranus in a sublime “trine” position, and this time Uranus’ surprises will be ones that will make you jubilant!

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This might turn out to be an exciting month for your career – the biggest month of 2016! You have so much going for you, and I have plenty to say! Grab a pen and paper – there are many days that will become important to you this month, and you will want to put a star on all of them!
As the month opens, you have a crown of stars twinkling at the very top of your chart, in the house of honors, awards, and achievement, your tenth house. Although many people would assume July would be a quiet month, perfect for going away on a holiday, you will need to stay in town to gather up all the special professional opportunities that are due to come your way. Last month was big for travel, so hopefully you took full advantage and took your vacation then, but if not, you will have chances to pack and go in October.
A note to my readers in Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries down under, July is “winter” for you. Yet no matter where you live, my forecast holds true – if you are a Libra or have Libra rising, you will be busy with your job in July.
Everything starts with the new moon, July 4 in Cancer, 13 degrees. You have Venus, Mercury, and the Sun accompanying the new moon, suggesting your career will be popping. If you have been frustrated that nothing seemed to be happening in your career, you will see a big change now. You have been spending a lot of money lately, due to the position of Mars, so it’s understandable that you’d be eager to get a well-paying, prestigious position, and that seems to be in the cards in early July. Start looking for the right position soon after July starts off – opportunities will start to show up after the new moon appears. I love that this moon will align with Neptune, the planet of creativity, now based in your sixth house of workaday assignments. The project you will be working on after the new moon appears will allow you to put your own personality stamp on the project, and that is exactly right – that’s the reason you were chosen to work on it in the first place.
Pluto, however, will oppose the Sun, new moon, and Mercury, so you may feel a push-pull between the needs of home and family and those of your present or any new job being offered. It is clear there is someone at home is depending on you for day-to-day care, making difficult the decision about whether to take the job or pass it up. See if you can work things out, because this job seems special.
On Wednesday, July 6, Venus and Mars will be in perfect sync, linking your houses of career success and salary, so it appears you can get the compensation you want if you negotiate for it. July 6 is a stellar day for love too – Venus is your ruler, planet of profit, love, and beauty. You will love the results of this day on all fronts – it’s that special.
Someone high level may be speaking on your behalf behind the scenes on July 8, when Mercury and Jupiter will be in sync. This is another glorious day for you. You can sign contracts and important papers on this day, send in a query letter, or have a vital interview or presentation. Anything that would be considered communications in nature would do well today – writing, speaking, translating, editing, researching, teaching, or negotiating all would all be favored in an outstanding way.
Have a confidential meeting, negotiation, interview, or presentation on July 8 or July 11, for over the weekend, July 10, you will have still another spectacular aspect, one involving the Sun in ideal angle to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. This is a wonderful aspect, and you will feel it on Friday, July 11, and Monday, July 11, as this aspect has a wide sphere of influence. As you see, there is an entire string of aspects that you can take full advantage of as July opens.
Now let’s look at the full moon, which is ready to light your home and family sector, July 19, to be influential for a plus or minus four days. This full moon is a little mixed in outlook. On the plus side, this full moon will receive sparkling vibrations from Mars, linking money to your house of home to your home, property, and family. This gives me a clue of where you will be spending your money. Jupiter will be a bit far from where I need him to be, but thankfully is still within mathematical tolerances to be of help as well. This suggests you will be able to find the money you need to make the home-related changes or repairs to your home, a wonderful omen. Clearly you are spending more lately, but you appear to move ahead with home-related changes. This includes helping a family member who may desperately need you to find solutions for his or her care.
Uranus, however, will not be friendly and will be in tight mathematical square, considered challenging position, one that will present an obstacle. The challenge seems to stem from your marriage partner or your tenant, roommate, or other person with whom your share your space. Or, if you own a house with someone else, it could be that person who seems not to see eye-to-eye with you and might give you unexpected problems. You will experience some stress at this full moon, but it will be very hard to pinpoint now where it will emanate. It may be that you are having difficulties with your contractor, decorator, architect, or other person who you hired to work with you with your home. This is a full moon, so it appears that rather than see the start to the project, you seem to be finishing it.
The outcome should please you, even though you may have to get over an obstacle that Uranus will toss in your path. This is a full moon in Capricorn, and that automatically brings Saturn into the picture. (Capricorn rules Saturn.) It is gratifying to see that Saturn will be in fine angle to Venus, your ruler.
In terms of romance, you will do very well once Venus moves into Leo on July 11 through August 4. Venus is your ruler, so Venus’ place in the heavens means more to you than for most other signs. Once in happy-go-lucky Leo, you will begin to relax, and as the month moves into its last weeks, you should find your friends playing a much more prominent role in your life.
Mars is now moving direct (as of June 29), having been retrograde since April 17. This will be a relief to everyone, as Mars is the planet that provides plenty of energy and gets things going. In your chart, Mars is the planet that rules your seventh house sector, so if you have been dating and wondering when you both will get engaged, it looks like the last third of the year – from October through most of December – will be mighty special. You both will feel more confident and ready to move forward with your plans to commit to each other and to build a future together.
If you are attached, you will love July 26, when Mercury and Uranus align, and you and your partner may be feeling spontaneous. You may travel to a foreign country or island, give a party, or go to one. This day is a Wednesday, but you are sure to have fun anyway. Perhaps this is a day in the week you experience while on vacation. Perfect!
If you are single, it appears you have recently met someone who intrigues you. If so, keep meeting to see how the two of you interact. Uranus, which rules your true love sector, will turn retrograde on July 29, to stay that way until December 29 of this year. (It is common for big outer planets like Uranus to retrograde for five months at a time. Uranus retrograde is not like Venus, Mars, or Mercury retrograde – those planets spin close to earth, so we feel those more when they are retrograde.) When Uranus retrogrades, he is saying to concentrate on the relationships you have already built, and make more of them, rather than to seek elsewhere to find a new relationship. See how this works for you.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your chart screams travel, and if it is at all possible, by all means, go. As the month opens, four heavenly bodies are communing in your foreign people and places sector, including the new moon of July 4 in Cancer, 13 degrees, and the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer too. These are all in water signs that blend so beautifully with your Scorpio Sun. Any trip you take this month wouldn’t likely be for work but rather to relax.
Your chart of the moment is lyrically romantic, for Neptune, the glamorous planet of dreams and inspiration, is now in your fifth house of true love, and will be spreading sparkling silver dust to those darling Cancer planets for a full ten days. If you do travel, choose a location near water for best luck. Venus will be in Cancer until July 10, so use that time to circulate and to find many ways to refresh your appearance, in any way you like. This is your month!
I love that Jupiter will be strongly supportive to that new moon July 4, so a friend may be instrumental in bringing you luck in the first week of July, possibly concerning a way to make more money in coming weeks.
The ninth house, so brimming with planetary energy at the new moon, July 4, also rules making assertive actions toward your goal to attain a higher degree at a university. Your mind will be hungry for knowledge, so you may be looking at brochures for universities or setting up appointments to visit a college for the entrance interview. Alternatively, you may be working on a project for the media – a magazine article or one for a newspaper, a segment for broadcast, or something having to do with digital media.
If you want to open talks over a legal matter or file with the courts, do it now, in early July. With Pluto at 180 degrees, you may have a fight on your hands, but if you have chosen a top lawyer, you have nothing to fear.
This same ninth house, where your new moon will fall this month on July 4, is also the house of relatives, from aunts and uncles to in-laws, and in the third house across from the ninth house is sisters and brothers. Pluto will oppose all the little dancing planets in Cancer situated in the ninth house, so you may have problems with a relative who does not agree with your opinions. In early July, you would be best not to voice any controversial political or religious thoughts because doing so could get you in hot water. Pluto, of course, will tug at all the activities you do from travel to education, so if you should encounter a bossy person, realize this person is Pluto, and you should not try to win this argument. Just shake it off.
If your birthday falls on November 4, plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from this new moon of July 4. The same is true if you have Scorpio rising 13 degrees or a natal planet or moon of 13 degrees of Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. Apply a plus or minus five degrees in all cases.
Mars is in Scorpio, giving you confidence and drive, always an asset in business, and also in love, for Mars in your sign is considered to bring on an aphrodisiac affect. Mars will remain in your sign all month, and won’t be back for two years – use this month to have fun socially.
For a large part of the first half of 2016, Mars toured Scorpio, which would have given you the edge in any competition. However, with Mars retrograde, it was almost useless. (I should say, not completely useless, but weak). Both Pluto and Mars rule your sign, but Pluto retrograde would never affect you as strongly as Mars retrograde, because Mars orbits very close to earth and Pluto does not – little Pluto is the planet that orbits on the very edge of our solar system, the farthest out. (The planets that affect all of us when retrograde are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.)
When your ruler, the little Red Planet, is sleeping, you feel as though nothing is proceeding fast enough, and you are right. That entire situation will now change for the better, for lately, on June 29, Mars went direct. Mars will need a little time to ramp up to former strength, and that will happen on August 22. Now if you are standing on your desk screaming, “Oh no! No more delays! I can’t bear it!” there is no reason to have to wait. Each day, little Mars is getting stronger and stronger.
Mars rules all sharp instruments the surgeon uses during an operation, among other things. I decided to have my eye operation on August 1 because I wanted Mars to be strong, but he didn’t have to be completely and fully strong to have the surgery. (If you follow me on Twitter@AstrologyZone, you may be aware that the steroids I took in the hospital in March 2015 for my ulcers left me almost blind in the right eye, and the left eye, not in as bad shape, will eventually need surgery too. I am taking things one step at a time. I have been using flashlights to see my planetary tables. It’s been a nightmare trying to write and see the screen, but happily, the doctor knows precisely how to fix me up.) I had to look at the entire sky to make my choice of a date to operate, further complicated by the fact that my surgeon only operates on Mondays.
As said, Mars will be back to former strength on August 22, but his brother, Mercury, will go retrograde soon after, August 30. I didn’t want to get tangled up in Mercury retrograde either! Certainly not when having an optional operation! Mercury will retrograde next August 30 to September 22. After that, however, it is all systems go.)
I’m giving you an example of the give-and-take we all have to do when we choose a date to plan an initiation. I have one farsighted and one nearsighted eye that also complicated things because most of the doctors wanted to average and degrade my vision to make them both the same. I was adamant – no! The doctor (any doctor) has to give me a new flat lens in the eye during the surgery. Mars retrograde allowed me the time to interview four surgeons. None of them wanted to believe I had great eyes under the bad stuff the steroids put like a film over my eyes.
The last doctor (number 4) that I interviewed said, “Oh, you think you have good eyes, despite the fact that you can barely see the big E on the eye chart with the right eye? Okay, we will give you another test and we will see about that.” The new test allowed them to see under the stuff that the steroids had created, and they asked me to read the eye chart. The doctor almost fell off his chair – I was 20/30 with no eyeglasses. “Well, you are right, and this changes everything?” Seeing lots of doctors, especially when you have a surgery that can’t be ever changed again afterward, is always wise! Doctor number 4 gained my trust.
I like to give you examples of choices I make or that others around me make, so that you can see how astrology works. The month of May was a particularly bad month, because five out of eight planets were retrograde. It’s a miracle anything got done in May, and if it did, there were plenty of re-dos and corrections made to that work. If you are nodding your head, so am I!
There will be several sweet days I would like you to make note of in your calendar. (If you bought my astrological calendar for 2016, you already know these jewel-like days!)
First, circle in gold July 6 when Venus in Cancer will receive shimmering beams from her lover Mars, sure to be a highly romantic day, especially if you are traveling or are taking classes in a university.
Next, watch July 8, when Mercury and Jupiter will be aligned, a perfect time to visit a friend in a distant city. If your friend has a summer cottage near the beach or other body of water, so much the better. This will be such a fun time for you to let go and kick up sand. The moon will be in Virgo, getting closer to Jupiter the following day. It’s a super day for you.
Over that weekend, Jupiter will send lovely beams to the Sun, and again, the weekend of July 9-10 will win a blue ribbon in my book for most fun with friends. One friend may go out of her way to do something wonderful for you, and you will be touched.
The full moon, July 19, in Capricorn 28 degrees, will also help you to travel, only at that point in the month, you are likely to go a much shorter distance. It also seems to me that any trip you take near July 19 would be work oriented. Saturn rules Capricorn, and Saturn is currently found in your house of money. This says to me that your trip would likely be to see a client to get a financial deal signed and sealed. Uranus will be in hard angle to the full moon, so you may have last-minute problems with the workers in your company (suddenly not coming in, being hard to train or generally difficult, or quitting on you). Worse, it may be that the project is heading in the direction of going over a cliff, and it will be up to you to save it before it crashes and burns.
Even having said what I did, if you have a Scorpio birthday that falls on November 19, plus or minus five days, you will take advantage of all the benefits and have few if any problems with this full moon. The same would be true if you have Scorpio rising 28 degrees, or have the moon in Scorpio 28 degrees, or a natal planet at that degree in Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. Allow a tolerance of plus or minus five degrees to your natal planet.
As you see, you would be MUCH smarter to travel early in the month when things are likely to be quite divine. Also as you get closer to the end of the month, your career will take on greater importance. Some sparkling career aspects are coming up in early August, so I want you to be at your desk to scoop them all up and take advantage.
Concerning that project that you will have to watch near July 19, have IT watch the servers and computers to be sure nothing untoward happens with your projects and with technology. Uranus rules the digital world and all that happens in it. This planet never gives any indication of what may come later.
Despite the problems you might have with this project, your career is doing really well, something you will see in early August. You will see that you are doing well this month too – Venus will move into your career sector July 12, and so will Mercury, turning the spotlight on you and your burgeoning career success, dear Scorpio!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Your main focus in July will be on money, for both the new moon and full moon will draw your attention to your finances. September will be very important for your career status, but for now, money will take priority over all. Still, even though financial considerations will rule, you will have several opportunities in July to make a name for yourself. Let’s start by looking at the new, July 4, in Capricorn 13 degrees.
This July 4 new moon will light your eighth house of other people’s money covering large funds to make a dream possible, so you may be applying for a mortgage, student loan, venture capital, sponsorship, bank loan, or a business line of credit. This area of your chart also rules large sums, usually delivered in one chunk, such as money from a court settlement, an inheritance, division of property in a divorce, a bonus, commission, prize winning, royalty, licensing fee, or a valuable gift. The house covers financial obligations such as to credit cards, child support, alimony, taxes, and also tax refunds if you are due one. You seem not to be finishing up a financial obligation this month but rather seeking a new source of funding.
This is the area of a major opportunity, so you would have the perfect moment to open talks for any of these matters, and also to do estate planning and/or the creation or change of your will. Additionally, you may want to meet with your financial advisor to see how your retirement portfolio is performing to see if adjustments are indicated. Think about your insurance needs too, to see if you need more or less coverage. It might also be a good time to see your accountant to do tax planning now that you are at mid-year.
This new moon will open opportunity to increase your cash flow, especially through the creative arts, for Neptune will be in an outstanding position to support that elegant new moon. If you are an artist, director, producer, musician, poet, screenplay writer, costume designer, painter, illustrator, dancer, costume designer, stylist, makeup artist, architect, designer of interiors – you name your profession – if you are creative, you will do exceptionally well. Additionally, Jupiter, in Sagittarius, rules the professions related to the media, law, medicine, and professorships at the college level. All those areas will do well for you too.
Even if you are not in a creative field or one of the professions, it doesn’t matter – you should be looking at ways to bring in more money, whether earned (such as commission), won (contests), owed to you (such as child support), or loaned (such as a bank loan or mortgage). Those are just examples – you can think of others. Jupiter, the financial planet that expands profit in everything it touches, will be beautifully angled to this new moon, so there is a strong indication that your efforts will pay off. Sagittarius’ ruling planet is Jupiter, so Jupiter’s activities mean more to you than to most other signs. This is all good news.
There is one difficult planet in the mix. Pluto is positioned across the skies in your second house of earned income, at 180 degrees from the sweet little planets in your eighth house of other people’s money. This tells me that if you are in a dispute about money, the other person or entity will push you very hard. If you are negotiating the compensation package for a new position, you may find that the other side will be intransigent about certain points, and in some cases the lack of compromise will seem unfair to you. Pluto is the 800-lb. gorilla who sits anywhere he pleases. Pluto is known to take no prisoners, so you will need to have your ducks in a row with your legal team.
There is one other way Pluto may work in your chart in that you may have problems instead with a ruthless competitor. No matter who it might be, this person seems to be determined to win. Your chart is complex, and you have support from Mars, so while this phase may be stressful – especially coming at time that is so celebratory for your career and money – you can find ways to protect yourself if you keep your wits about you.
You will be very prescient this month, so heed all that your intuition tells you to do. At times you may wonder why you are getting the hunches that you feel, but you must follow them, as they will be given to you for a reason.
Start working to enlarge your income in these areas quickly after the new moon arrives, July 4 and in the ten days that follow it. You won’t get another new moon in this house again for a year, so your time to act is now. Remember, you have Jupiter and Neptune on your side. The actions you take now, if they take root, will have the power to positively affect your finances for a full year, until the next new moon in comes by – June 23, 2017 – to refresh the energy of this new moon.
New moons begin actions, and full moons bring things to an end or culmination. You won’t have a full moon in this part of your chart until January 12, 2017. The results you will see in January 2017 will be related to the actions you take now.
You might want to do something as simple as list all your bank and brokerage accounts on a piece of stationery, with the name and phone number of your broker or banker, and file it in your safe deposit box along with another copy for your files at home. You may have all the financial people you deal with in your smart phone, but it’s wise to keep them all in one place, too.
I want to tell you about some glittering days due this month that you can use to your full advantage! July 6 will be very special for having talks about money behind closed doors. You seem to be on the same page with the other person, and Venus and Mars will work brilliantly together to bring harmony.
A five-star day for you will be July 8, when Mercury (talks, news, contracts, and agreements) will work closely with Jupiter, giver of good fortune. What a gorgeous day to sign a contract or to shake hands on a deal. (In astrology, giving your word is just about the same as signing papers.) On this day, your career will be on fire. Use it to work out a compensation package, including benefits, like health insurance and vacation days. Over the weekend of July 9-10, you have another dazzler of a day, when the Sun and Jupiter will be aligned – again, money and status should flow to you. This is a Sunday, but you may feel the effects Friday, July 8, or Monday July 11.
Next, let’s look at the full moon, July 19, in Capricorn 28 degrees, set to fill your second house of earned income, savings, and possessions. It is a house that reveals how you earn, save, spend, and appropriate your income. You may be paying a large bill at this time, or hearing back about a raise that you had asked for earlier. Again, Jupiter, giver of gifts and good fortune, will be active and in fine angle to this full moon. Jupiter is a little far away in his perch in Virgo 20 degrees, but within the eight-degree tolerance of influence (the full moon is 28 degrees Cancer). That’s a good sign of things to work out to your benefit.
Mars will be in perfect angle to this new moon and Sun, too, which is excellent – you will have help from people behind the scenes at this time, and they will be individuals that you won’t necessarily know, but who will be on your side, supporting you. Your actions will have weight and promise.
In any good story there always has to be a villain, and at the full moon July 19, it’s Uranus, planet of out-of-the-blue happenings. He just can’t help himself. Leave Uranus alone for five minutes and he is stirring the pot – a real Dennis the Menace. Uranus is in your sector of love and children, so this is where you may experience an out-of-the-blue expense within four days of the full moon, July 19. You may decide at the last minute to send your child to a pricey camp in August (or for my readers south of the equator, to have an expensive tutor for your child.) These are just two examples.
Or, it may be that a creative project you may be working on has overruns at the full moon July 19, and suddenly the client won’t pay them, so you may have to eat those expenses because your name on the project to keep its integrity intact. Things like this happen but it’s hard to tell where this expense will come from, because unpredictable Uranus is involved.
Let’s talk about Mars now. Mars is currently in Scorpio filling your twelfth house. This is a house that rules many things, including work done behind closed doors, in solitude. You may be working on a manuscript to be shown to the world soon, or a conducting research that requires your full concentration. You can be very productive this month, for Mars will not leave this part of your chart until August 2 when Mars enters Sagittarius. From August 2 to September 27, you will have center stage and full control. Keep looking at your project to root out inaccuracies or misguided assumptions and prepare to unveil it in August, a spectacular month for you. September brings Mercury retrograde, August 30-September 21, so August is your month to act.
Mars in the twelfth house, as you have in July, may also bring you in contact with medical personnel, for you or for someone dear to you. This might be that you will having your annual physical, check your eyeglass prescription and/or do dental work (it could be as simple as having a professional cleaning). Or, it may be that this month you will go in for surgery you need done. The planets stacking in your eight house can indicate physical or dental surgery because the ancient astrologers reasoned the eighth house is the house of transformation. The surgeon removes the part of you that you don’t need anymore and that is causing you problems so he can affect a total recovery or move to greater comfort for you.
I was born with a birth defect that affected my entire childhood. The doctors found what was wrong when they went in for an exploratory. I was in the hospital eleven months that year, but instead of seeing it as the hardest year of my life (I was 14 years old), I feel it was my best. I had to have nearly three years of daily physical therapy afterward – it worked. The doctors ended my exceedingly rare condition, and I never had to be troubled by it again. I am the poster child of traditional medicine, for I believe in surgery when there are no other options. Choose your doctor well, doing your thorough research, and when (or if) you go in for your procedure, you will be transformed.
Your timing would be good to take care of any medical condition now because Mars is now moving in direct orbit. Since April 17, Mars has been retrograde, and all of life seems to have been creeping along at a snail’s pace. It was hard to get things moving, for with every step forward, we all had to take two steps back. There were a lot of things that needed to be re-done, with the month of May the worst time – five planets including Mars and Mercury were out of phase.
When big outer planets go retrograde (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), we don’t feel them as directly, not like we would Mars, Mercury, and Venus, Those three planets orbit close to earth so we DO feel them strongly. Both Mercury AND Mars were going backward in May. Now, this period is over and you are entering into the best part of the year, the second half. Mars rules your love life, so you may have felt that the past few months were confusing for your love life, and if you are dating, you may have even wondered if you wanted to stay with the person you are with. It was a confusing time, but things should be clearer from now on.
Uranus will retrograde from July 29 to December 29, suggesting that by the end of July, you should concentrate on your present relationship and not look elsewhere. If you are dating seriously, but are still confused, give your relationship until October to decide what to do, for in October you will get many clues of the direction to take.
Venus will move through fellow fire sign Leo from July 11 to August 5, your time to shine romantically. Use that time to refresh your appearance, to buy new things for your wardrobe, and to experiment with the way you wear your hair. Looking great will give you confidence, always a plus when socializing.
On July 26, Mercury and Uranus will be beautifully aligned, and you may hear news about how well you did with a recent creative endeavor. Certainly ideas will pour out of you at a rapid rate, and everyone, including VIPs, will be impressed – you’ll be deemed a rock star.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

With four heavenly bodies gathering on July 4 in your marriage and partnership sector – including the new moon in Cancer 13 degrees, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in the home and family sign of Cancer – you will be getting ready to make a commitment to someone who is important to you. You may be getting engaged or married now, or you might be planning to take on a business partner, agent, manager, writing partner, or other collaborator to help you get ahead in your career. If you are already married, you can draw up an exciting goal that you will work on with your marriage partner.
I love this new moon for several reasons. Neptune will be in Pisces and send shimmering vibrations to the new moon and her entourage in Cancer. Your partner will inspire you, and if you need to travel for any reason, you will find the trip has an uplifting and motivating effect on you. You may be going on a honeymoon, going on a trip with some of your friends, or visiting a friend who has a vacation house overlooking the sea, and she will be fluffing her pillows in her gorgeous guest room in anticipation of your arrival.
Jupiter will also help, and this is remarkable, for Jupiter is the giver and gifts and luck and brings a touch of luxury and ease to all he touches. Jupiter is now positioned in your long-distance travel sector, a perfect place for Jupiter to be to help you find beautiful accommodations that you can afford. If you work overseas, the new moon will help you make powerful associations abroad, and your international relationship will grow and prosper.
In short, anytime two people come together to complete the same goal, and each contributes certain attributes, traits, skills, and elements that the other needs and admires, that?s a seventh house matter. This is the area so lit up for you. It could be two people who marry to have children and build a life together. It could be that you hire an agent to represent you, and both of you would share in the proceeds (not necessarily equally but nevertheless, share), and you both would be dependent on the other for the financial growth and business success of the relationship. These are all seventh house matters.
A contract of some sort is always involved, for the promise made is a binding one if the relationship is to fall in the house of marriage and established partnerships. We don?t think of a marriage as a contract, but it is that and more. If you are dating and in love, that?s a fifth house matter – the two of you have not yet made it to the seventh house yet. If you were to split up, say, at the end of a business, it would still be a seventh house matter, because more legal papers would be needed. This time your seventh house is basically friendly, with sweet Venus in Cancer moving through it; the relationship should go smoothly. If you were to marry or become engaged in the first days of the month (June 1 to 11) while Venus is in Cancer, that would be great as Venus would be in home-and-family oriented Cancer AND Venus would be protecting your relationship.
There is one problem with this new moon in that Pluto will oppose all those planets in Cancer in your seventh house. Pluto is in Capricorn, so it may be that you are taking a bit too much control of the relationship, something your partner may not appreciate. Be careful not to come on too strong.
If your birthday falls on January 3, plus or minus five days, this new moon will speak directly to you. The same is true if you have Capricorn rising at 13 degrees, have the natal moon there, or a natal planet in Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, again at 13 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. If any of these “fit” your natal chart, you will benefit from this new moon.
July 6 should be a heavenly day, when Venus and Mars work together, linking friends to your area of marriage and partnership. It would be a great day for a party, where you introduce the one you love to all your friends. It would also be a perfect night to meet each other and go out on the town to have a great dinner, and either have it be romantic for only the two of you, or to invite friends, too.
July 8 will also be special, when you may be traveling a far distance. If you are not traveling, this would be a great day to forge an international deal. There are other possibilities. You can take a qualifying test (and ace it!), defend your thesis, have your book be published, appear on TV, or get a ruling from the courts that favors you.
Over the weekend of July 9-10, the great good fortune planet will be aligned with the mighty Sun in what is called a “sextile” position (60 degrees apart), denoting opportunity. Again, you have a great weekend for you and your partner to take a trip together. Your accommodations would be sumptuous and the food would be delicious and artfully prepared. Can?t travel anywhere? Take a cooking class together, or take in cultural activities – a ballet or Broadway show, a concert, art gallery, or other fun event while you work on the little projects.
The full moon is an important one for you, for it falls in your sign, Capricorn, 28 degrees, July 19. This is powerful, for with direct support from Mars in your eleventh house of friendship and hopes and wishes, something of enormous importance to you is coming to culmination. A friend or someone who belongs to the same club that you belong to may trigger the happy news that this full moon will bring. Jupiter (good luck) and Mars (energy) will be close enough to support this full moon too, so you have considerable planetary power behind you.
The only troublesome planet will be Uranus, rattling your windows (perhaps literally), for Uranus will cause a sudden situation that you will have to attend to at home, concerning the physical living space or concerning one of your relatives. In the latter case, you may have to help your relative who may not be feeling well and be in need of assistance. I am giving you suggestions but in reality, it?s nearly impossible to anticipate what Uranus will bring – it is the nature of this planet to do something completely out of the blue. It is always what you are not looking at that Uranus brings up to knock you a little off kilter.
Just in case, Uranus rules electrical wiring, so make sure your wiring is up to code and that no outlets are overloaded. Pull out all plugs from their sockets before you leave on any trip. Back up your most vital work, should your computer freeze or crash.
If your birthday falls on January 17, plus or minus four days, the full moon will be speaking directly to you. The same is true if you have Capricorn rising at 28 degrees, or if you have a natal planet, rising sign, or natal moon in Capricorn (best), Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer at 28 degrees, you will benefit too.
In this topsy-turvy month, it ends on a happy note. Mercury will receive signals from surprise-a-minute Uranus, so news about money should be very positive on Wednesday, July 27. If you applied for a bank loan, you will be thrilled with the phone call or email you receive. If you hope to buy or sell property, again, bingo – you seem to get the good news you hoped to hear. Money and home will go together like salt and pepper on July 27.