Sunday, 24 July 2016

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This is your month to design exactly as you please. How glorious that prospect must be for you! It’s been a long time since you’ve had control over the course of events, and now, in July, you do. There is a certain feeling of luxury in that thought, so let it come over you like the warm sunshine. Let go of everyday cares for a little bit so that you can enjoy thinking about all of life’s possibilities. It’s time to reach out and pluck the plum from the tree – it is yours for the taking.
As you begin the month, planets have migrated into your sign, including the new moon July 4 in Cancer 13 degrees, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. The main focus of the new moon will be on partnerships, both romantic and business in nature. It’s time to decide whether you want to take steps to formalize the alliance. Some dear Cancers will get engaged or married now, while others will draw up papers to make a business partnership official. If you have been very unhappy, things may come to the breaking point by the full moon, July 19. I will tell you about that full moon too. It has many sweet elements to it, so don’t be concerned. All things will work to your favor this month, although there might be a moment or two when you doubt me. Later, however, in hindsight, you will see how fervently the universe worked to further your interests.
This new moon of July 4 is complex in that it has some supremely strong and positive elements to it, but some drawbacks too. Go slowly – August may be a better month to sign papers. Let’s have a close look. On the happy side, Neptune will be supporting Mercury, the moon and Sun, sharpening your imagination and stirring your originality. What a wonderful time the days that follow that new moon would be to focus on a creative project, or to daydream about the new changes you’d like to bring to your life.
Venus will be in Cancer until July 11 and will make you sparkle at any gathering. At the same time, Jupiter, from his perch in Virgo, is currently in your travel sector, and will bring happy experiences while going short distances. Be spontaneous and enjoy a sense of freedom that you’ve not quite felt in a long time.
Mars will be in the ideal position to help you, too, as Mars will be in fellow water sign Scorpio, and in that position, happy as a little bug nestled in a rug, sending shimmering beams to Venus, making early July a warm, loving, and sexy time. You will have considerable appeal, and if you are not aware of the effect you are having on others, you may be bewildered by the attention you get. That’s a lovely problem others would like to have!
On the other hand, Pluto will oppose this new moon, and if you are married and your mate has acted in a stubborn, domineering way, this new moon might give you a clue about mounting tensions that might spill over later, by the time you get to the full moon, July 19, two weeks later. See how things go – I will discuss that full moon in a second, but trust that the full moon will have sweet elements to it, too. The person in your environment that Pluto will be pointing to this month might not be your mate or steady lover, but rather, your agent, manager, business partner, or other professional collaborator who is being disagreeable and even dictatorial. Dealing with Pluto to reach some semblance of compromise is nearly impossible, for Pluto takes no prisoners and uses a scorched earth method of negotiation.
Another different possibility to this trend brought on by Pluto is that this person may not be a business or romantic partner, but rather a competitor who will use unfair tactics in an attempt to steal large chunks of your market share. This person would be operating out in the open, not hidden in the shadows, so at least you can see what is going on. I know you’re laughing – “Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a plus!” but dear Cancer, it is, for you won’t have to guess what this person is doing behind your back. You will see the actions clearly and out in the open, and then you can decide what to do. Cancer is a fiercely intuitive sign, so use the insight your inner voice will whisper to you to your advantage.
If your birthday falls on July 4, plus or minus four days, then you will feel this new moon very directly, with both the lovely support of Neptune, Jupiter, and Mars, and the possible frustrations you may feel from a partner or a competitor.
As you see there is a complexity to this new moon, but only if you have someone who seems like a pushy, my-way-or-the-highway Pluto person in your life.
The romantic elements are very strong in the first ten days of July. Cancer is a reserved sign, and as a rule does not seek a lot of attention, but this month, attention and affection could easily find you. Take special note of how well things go for you in matters of the heart when Venus in Cancer receives sparkling vibrations on July 6.
I also love July 8, when Mercury will be in sync with Jupiter; you will have a superb weekend to travel to a place near water (always a Cancer favorite) as well as near mountains and lush display of nature.
Over the weekend of July 9-10, we have a very powerful aspect, when the Sun in Cancer will receive greetings from Jupiter in Virgo. This would be the most magical weekend of the month to travel, and it may be one of the best of the season. So much will go your way this weekend – it’s due to be that sweet. Mercury rules communication and commerce, so you may get a message that thrills you, or you may buy something very special. If this is your birthday, the joy that you feel over of this weekend could set up a theme of happiness that will follow you throughout your entire birthday year.
As promised, I will now talk about the full moon in your opposite sign of Capricorn, 28 degrees, that is set to light your house of commitment, marriage, and serious partnerships. The tables seem to turn by the time of this full moon. The full moon will be conjunct Pluto, so by now you appear to be ready to stand up to anyone who is giving you a hard time. Let’s not forget the moon rules Cancer, so the position of the moon is vital to seeing your forecast each month.
Mars will be very supportive, and so will Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Pluto will be too far away to give you problems, but Uranus will act up too, by being in exact hard aspect to the Sun, so you may encounter some sort of turbulence in your career. It will likely involve a higher-up or client that causes you to feel thrown off balance by something that comes up unexpectedly. Or, it may be that conditions in the company are changing suddenly, and news will require you to make a sudden adjustment. Wear your armor. There will be no way to anticipate what or who will surface, so stay on your toes and be as flexible as you can be. We will all feel this, no matter what our signs, so go with the flow and do your best.
If instead it turns out to be a competitor that will give you pause, then you will have enough planetary power to deal with that person at the full moon. In the complex month, Pluto will still be within tight range of a gorgeous trine to Jupiter, a lovely and rare aspect denoting enormous potential for profit and gain. This will be true all month, not just at the time of the full moon, and may explain why you are trying to stay with this partner. It appears you need the opportunities or financing this person can bring to you, but at the same time, you might find the process of dealing with this person maddening.
As you see nothing is exactly straightforward this month, but then again, that can be positive. Because aspects are not all bad means you have plenty of planetary help to call on when you need it. The Sun back in Cancer should help, too! Although what happens from Pluto may not be fair at all times, if you bide your time and quietly build a strategy, you can eventually win.
If your birthday falls on or near July 19-29, plus or minus four days, you will feel this full moon the most. However, if you have a birthday that falls on July 4, plus or minus three days, you will feel the effects of Pluto the most. If that is you, then you may have to talk over what is upsetting you and have ready several ideas of how to make things better. (I always feel coming into a meeting with only one idea is a dangerous – you need several. After all, you have the attention of the person you are talking with, so you might as well make the most of the meeting by showing your resourcefulness. It is the only way you will be able to win or to at least get to accord.)
This full moon is mainly harmonious, but like everything this month, the sentiments in the air will be a little mixed.
I love that Jupiter will be friendly to this full moon within the 8-degree limit, close enough to be of enormous help. Jupiter in his position in the third house will give you the words to say, or, if you are working with your lawyer, to find the right clauses to put in a contract. Mars will be in ideal position again too, softening the effects of Pluto.

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