July brings a focus on your career and the methods you use to get your assignments done. It’s a positive month, filled with opportunity, so you will like how things go. The first, most important event comes July 4, a new moon in Cancer, 13 degrees. This majestic new moon will arrive with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, all in divinely compatible Cancer in your solar sixth house of work and health. For now, I will focus on your work life, and later I will come back to how you take care of yourself, and how the new moon can be of help.
With four heavenly bodies in your solar sixth house, you will have lots to do. Many people take time off for a vacation in July, but you will be needed at the office – August would be a better time to go. This new moon will receive a golden beam from Neptune, the planet of creativity, dreams, and vision, and is currently based in your solar second house of earned income. This says that you will have a major opportunity to add your creative touch to a current assignment, and that doing so will pay off, quite literally – in terms of earning more money, either now, if you are self-employed, or before 2016 is out if you work for others.
Jupiter will also be in the wings at this new moon July 4, helping you every step of the way, and Jupiter will bring you a bonus, commission, or some sort of one-time large payment of cash. This is exciting!
Pluto, however, will oppose the planets in the solar sixth house, for Pluto will be 180 degrees away in Capricorn. This suggests you may be under some strong pressure to perform. Or it may be that in your office, a co-worker or client is plotting a political move that will put you at a disadvantage. It won’t be easy to decide who is the person doing this because this person is working under your radar, in the shadows. I am not sure about this second option – that the person may be plotting a scheme to advance his own agenda. In that regard, I don’t want you to have to keep looking over your shoulder, but I do want you to be aware that some people are not as friendly and supportive as they may seem on the surface. Pluto, when in hard aspect, can unleash outrageously unfair tactics in someone who can only be called an enemy, to get to a certain goal. Be circumspect to protect yourself but not overly anxious. You are holding all aces, the reason this person wishes they were you.
Now let’s turn to Mars, for this red little planet is assuming a predominant role in your solar chart this month.
Mars is currently in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, making it easy for you to get your foot in the door of the most influential people. Until now, and for months, Mars has been moving at a snail’s pace in retrograde orbit, and looking back, you began to feel the slowdown in professional matters as early as the beginning of April, although Mars officially went retrograde April 17. During that period, part of the time Mars spent time in Scorpio and filled this same prestigious area of your chart, which would have reflected rising career status. You may have been frustrated that you’ve been working so hard, but with such little to show for your efforts. Now all that changes since Mars is moving forward – for Mars will bring you forward, too. Soon you will be pulling away from the pack and getting the attention of the people who matter.
Mars will need a little time to shake off his grogginess, and he will return to full, former strength on August 22. You won’t have to wait for that date to launch your projects, though. Each day from now on brings increasing energy to Mars, the energy planet that works as a booster rocket to all your most vital endeavors. By October 30, you will likely see progress, as the new moon on that day will be important to your career future.
Switching now to the matter of your health and fitness, this new moon July 4 will be the best one of 2016 to begin to turn over a new leaf and get active. Most people wait for January 1 to start to get fit, when they really should be watching for the new moon in their solar sixth house of health prevention – that is, all the things we do to say fit and in good condition. Investigate a gym membership, or if you have been going to the gym, see if there is a new group fitness class you can join, a new sport you can try, or a trainer you can hire to increase your fitness. This would be the best time to go in for an annual physical exam, too, and when you do, include a trip to the eye doctor and dentist. Doing this only takes a few minutes, but can have a powerful effect on your health and the quality of your life.
Now let’s look at three important points of the month that you will want to take advantage of:
On July 6, Venus and Mars will be in sync, a rare and glorious aspect that for you will link your work assignments to your area of fame and honors – you are about to hit a home run, and everyone will be cheering.
Only two days later, on Friday, July 8, Mercury will receive a wonderful beam from expansive, good fortune Jupiter. A new project or one you’ve been working on can bring you a generous amount of cash on this day. This would be a perfect day to sign papers, as Mercury rules all agreements.
Over the weekend of July 9-10, the Sun and Jupiter will make a decisive alignment, and that will also bring fantastic news about a project, and again, a generous one-time payment of cash will be given to you too. The aspect of July 8 will overlap with this one, July 9-10, so you can feel this on Friday, July 8 or Monday, July 11. When news hits, it should be quite exciting.
On July 19, you will come to the full moon in Capricorn 28 degrees and it will be a time to rest, or to work on a creative project alone, in solitude. At that full moon you will make lots of progress if you do work behind closed doors, without being interrupted. It will be soothing to work at a leisurely pace, and that’s exactly what the universe has in mind for you. At this time, you could easily find out who has been working at cross purposes to you, while he creeps around in the shadows – that is, if indeed, there is anyone doing that. Once you see that person, you can better deal with things, if necessary.
Uranus will be in hard angle to this full moon of July 19, so you may have problems when traveling. You would be best to travel on July 26, when Mercury, the travel planet, receives brilliant rays from your ruling planet, Uranus. You may spontaneously take a trip, and if so, things would be exciting and go your way.
In your romantic life, once Venus enters Leo on July 12, Venus will bring her candlelight glow into your seventh sector of committed love, favoring your relationship if you are attached. Venus will help you find all the right words, and together you can find ways to connect in a carefree way like you did when you first met.
If you are not attached, you’ll love August, when Mars will brighten your social life in a big way, and you’ll be on all the right people’s party lists. Get your wardrobe ready, dear Aquarius, for you’ll be stepping out.
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