Sunday, 24 July 2016

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your chart screams travel, and if it is at all possible, by all means, go. As the month opens, four heavenly bodies are communing in your foreign people and places sector, including the new moon of July 4 in Cancer, 13 degrees, and the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer too. These are all in water signs that blend so beautifully with your Scorpio Sun. Any trip you take this month wouldn’t likely be for work but rather to relax.
Your chart of the moment is lyrically romantic, for Neptune, the glamorous planet of dreams and inspiration, is now in your fifth house of true love, and will be spreading sparkling silver dust to those darling Cancer planets for a full ten days. If you do travel, choose a location near water for best luck. Venus will be in Cancer until July 10, so use that time to circulate and to find many ways to refresh your appearance, in any way you like. This is your month!
I love that Jupiter will be strongly supportive to that new moon July 4, so a friend may be instrumental in bringing you luck in the first week of July, possibly concerning a way to make more money in coming weeks.
The ninth house, so brimming with planetary energy at the new moon, July 4, also rules making assertive actions toward your goal to attain a higher degree at a university. Your mind will be hungry for knowledge, so you may be looking at brochures for universities or setting up appointments to visit a college for the entrance interview. Alternatively, you may be working on a project for the media – a magazine article or one for a newspaper, a segment for broadcast, or something having to do with digital media.
If you want to open talks over a legal matter or file with the courts, do it now, in early July. With Pluto at 180 degrees, you may have a fight on your hands, but if you have chosen a top lawyer, you have nothing to fear.
This same ninth house, where your new moon will fall this month on July 4, is also the house of relatives, from aunts and uncles to in-laws, and in the third house across from the ninth house is sisters and brothers. Pluto will oppose all the little dancing planets in Cancer situated in the ninth house, so you may have problems with a relative who does not agree with your opinions. In early July, you would be best not to voice any controversial political or religious thoughts because doing so could get you in hot water. Pluto, of course, will tug at all the activities you do from travel to education, so if you should encounter a bossy person, realize this person is Pluto, and you should not try to win this argument. Just shake it off.
If your birthday falls on November 4, plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from this new moon of July 4. The same is true if you have Scorpio rising 13 degrees or a natal planet or moon of 13 degrees of Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. Apply a plus or minus five degrees in all cases.
Mars is in Scorpio, giving you confidence and drive, always an asset in business, and also in love, for Mars in your sign is considered to bring on an aphrodisiac affect. Mars will remain in your sign all month, and won’t be back for two years – use this month to have fun socially.
For a large part of the first half of 2016, Mars toured Scorpio, which would have given you the edge in any competition. However, with Mars retrograde, it was almost useless. (I should say, not completely useless, but weak). Both Pluto and Mars rule your sign, but Pluto retrograde would never affect you as strongly as Mars retrograde, because Mars orbits very close to earth and Pluto does not – little Pluto is the planet that orbits on the very edge of our solar system, the farthest out. (The planets that affect all of us when retrograde are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.)
When your ruler, the little Red Planet, is sleeping, you feel as though nothing is proceeding fast enough, and you are right. That entire situation will now change for the better, for lately, on June 29, Mars went direct. Mars will need a little time to ramp up to former strength, and that will happen on August 22. Now if you are standing on your desk screaming, “Oh no! No more delays! I can’t bear it!” there is no reason to have to wait. Each day, little Mars is getting stronger and stronger.
Mars rules all sharp instruments the surgeon uses during an operation, among other things. I decided to have my eye operation on August 1 because I wanted Mars to be strong, but he didn’t have to be completely and fully strong to have the surgery. (If you follow me on Twitter@AstrologyZone, you may be aware that the steroids I took in the hospital in March 2015 for my ulcers left me almost blind in the right eye, and the left eye, not in as bad shape, will eventually need surgery too. I am taking things one step at a time. I have been using flashlights to see my planetary tables. It’s been a nightmare trying to write and see the screen, but happily, the doctor knows precisely how to fix me up.) I had to look at the entire sky to make my choice of a date to operate, further complicated by the fact that my surgeon only operates on Mondays.
As said, Mars will be back to former strength on August 22, but his brother, Mercury, will go retrograde soon after, August 30. I didn’t want to get tangled up in Mercury retrograde either! Certainly not when having an optional operation! Mercury will retrograde next August 30 to September 22. After that, however, it is all systems go.)
I’m giving you an example of the give-and-take we all have to do when we choose a date to plan an initiation. I have one farsighted and one nearsighted eye that also complicated things because most of the doctors wanted to average and degrade my vision to make them both the same. I was adamant – no! The doctor (any doctor) has to give me a new flat lens in the eye during the surgery. Mars retrograde allowed me the time to interview four surgeons. None of them wanted to believe I had great eyes under the bad stuff the steroids put like a film over my eyes.
The last doctor (number 4) that I interviewed said, “Oh, you think you have good eyes, despite the fact that you can barely see the big E on the eye chart with the right eye? Okay, we will give you another test and we will see about that.” The new test allowed them to see under the stuff that the steroids had created, and they asked me to read the eye chart. The doctor almost fell off his chair – I was 20/30 with no eyeglasses. “Well, you are right, and this changes everything?” Seeing lots of doctors, especially when you have a surgery that can’t be ever changed again afterward, is always wise! Doctor number 4 gained my trust.
I like to give you examples of choices I make or that others around me make, so that you can see how astrology works. The month of May was a particularly bad month, because five out of eight planets were retrograde. It’s a miracle anything got done in May, and if it did, there were plenty of re-dos and corrections made to that work. If you are nodding your head, so am I!
There will be several sweet days I would like you to make note of in your calendar. (If you bought my astrological calendar for 2016, you already know these jewel-like days!)
First, circle in gold July 6 when Venus in Cancer will receive shimmering beams from her lover Mars, sure to be a highly romantic day, especially if you are traveling or are taking classes in a university.
Next, watch July 8, when Mercury and Jupiter will be aligned, a perfect time to visit a friend in a distant city. If your friend has a summer cottage near the beach or other body of water, so much the better. This will be such a fun time for you to let go and kick up sand. The moon will be in Virgo, getting closer to Jupiter the following day. It’s a super day for you.
Over that weekend, Jupiter will send lovely beams to the Sun, and again, the weekend of July 9-10 will win a blue ribbon in my book for most fun with friends. One friend may go out of her way to do something wonderful for you, and you will be touched.
The full moon, July 19, in Capricorn 28 degrees, will also help you to travel, only at that point in the month, you are likely to go a much shorter distance. It also seems to me that any trip you take near July 19 would be work oriented. Saturn rules Capricorn, and Saturn is currently found in your house of money. This says to me that your trip would likely be to see a client to get a financial deal signed and sealed. Uranus will be in hard angle to the full moon, so you may have last-minute problems with the workers in your company (suddenly not coming in, being hard to train or generally difficult, or quitting on you). Worse, it may be that the project is heading in the direction of going over a cliff, and it will be up to you to save it before it crashes and burns.
Even having said what I did, if you have a Scorpio birthday that falls on November 19, plus or minus five days, you will take advantage of all the benefits and have few if any problems with this full moon. The same would be true if you have Scorpio rising 28 degrees, or have the moon in Scorpio 28 degrees, or a natal planet at that degree in Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. Allow a tolerance of plus or minus five degrees to your natal planet.
As you see, you would be MUCH smarter to travel early in the month when things are likely to be quite divine. Also as you get closer to the end of the month, your career will take on greater importance. Some sparkling career aspects are coming up in early August, so I want you to be at your desk to scoop them all up and take advantage.
Concerning that project that you will have to watch near July 19, have IT watch the servers and computers to be sure nothing untoward happens with your projects and with technology. Uranus rules the digital world and all that happens in it. This planet never gives any indication of what may come later.
Despite the problems you might have with this project, your career is doing really well, something you will see in early August. You will see that you are doing well this month too – Venus will move into your career sector July 12, and so will Mercury, turning the spotlight on you and your burgeoning career success, dear Scorpio!

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