Life is improving every day, dear Taurus. The first day, July 1, brings a hopeful sign – Venus, your ruler, will be in magical angle to Jupiter, the great good fortune planet. This will link love to travel, so as July opens, consider a taking a long weekend trip. I will explain why I feel a trip would be so very good for you this month.
On July 4, you have a new moon in Cancer at 13 degrees that will light your third house of short, quick travel. Accompanying that elegant new moon will be the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Cancer, a water sign that blends perfectly to your earth-sign Sun of Taurus. A location that includes lush greenery in a beautiful mountainous setting would be the perfect place for you now. With Cancer strong, be sure the setting is located near water as well – put those together and you have the makings of a sumptuous getaway. Cancer is a family sign, perfect for bringing your partner and children – you will find them cute as can be, even if they are older now!
Associated with this new moon will be Jupiter and Mars, both highly supportive of the new moon, bringing you outstanding chances for romance and fun. Jupiter is still in Virgo, making you the sign most likely to fall in love or thoroughly enjoy love (at least until September 9, the date when Jupiter will leave this placement). If you have already found your one true love, you can deepen your relationship. It matters not if you are single or married, dating a short time or a long time – every Taurus will benefit from this new moon, as long as you travel. (No need to go far!) All new moons open a window of opportunity that last ten days or more, and might affect you for a year or more – delightfully so. The way astrology works best is to make an effort to use the goodness behind the new moon.
If your birthday falls on May 3, plus or minus five days, this new moon will be speaking directly to you. This would also be true if you have Taurus rising 13 degrees, or a natal planet of that degree in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Taurus, all plus or minus five degrees. If you know your chart and fall within those mathematical guidelines, then the chances are you will be packing your bags.
I will admit that Uranus will be in hard angle to the crowd of planets in Cancer on the new moon July 4, so we all have to expect Uranus to throw something into the spanner that will require quick thinking (this is true for every sign). The unexpected event might have something to do with your career – for example, you might have to save a deal or project that will be rolling off the rails, or it might be that mechanical problems related to electronics, computers, or the moving parts of a machine will need your attention. Try as you may, it is almost never possible to guess what Uranus, planet of unanticipated events, is about to bring up.
I have meditated about the meaning of this Uranus, and I feel that the cosmos has a plan for us and interjects Uranus’ unpredictability so that we will learn to become resourceful, flexible, agile, and creative when we meet up with obstacles we don’t expect. When Uranus is well aspected, we get unexpected help. That won’t happen in the first half of July – you’ll have to roll up your sleeves and think your way out of the situation, but the point is that you can.
Just days after the new moon, we have a lovely day coming up, when Venus in Cancer will be in ideal angle to Mars in Scorpio, both beautifully angled to your love and commitment houses. This day will exert just the right level of electricity to make a first meeting memorable and romantic. It will also help other Taurus who just want more fun with their partners. This is a warm and sexy vibration, just made for you.
I also love July 8, when Mercury will receive golden beams from Jupiter, an ideal day to sign a contract, making an agreement, and again, for travel. (I know I say this over and over that you should plan a getaway this month! I can’t help it – the stars have a plan for you now, and it is very clear!) Mercury rules your solar second house of income, so you may get very good news about a sum of money that will be due to you now or soon.
The weekend of June 9-10 should be heavenly. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will work with the Sun to bring on a highly romantic time. This is a somewhat rare aspect, especially because Pluto is about to add his gifts to Jupiter too, still within range of an aspect these two planets made on June 26. Pluto and Jupiter creep across the sky. (Pluto takes 258 years to circle the Sun, so you can imagine.) The moon will be in Virgo, a fellow earth sign, and on July 9, that moon will join with Jupiter in your fifth house of love. It’s hard to imagine a more stunning, happy weekend for love.
More travel is indicated later in the month, for on July 19 at the full moon in Capricorn, you will have the chance to journey quite far and love it even more than the first trip. In fact, because this is a full moon in Capricorn 28 degrees, it can bring a finish to your travels within four days after the date the full moon appears. The trip you take later, to a more distant location, appears to be for work, such as to see a client to generate profits. Generous Jupiter will be in elegant angle to the lunation protecting your finances. If you are doing import-export, or any international work, the way things go should please you. If you have a middleman, such as an agent or broker to represent you, that person will watch out for your interests. If you decide to go for a romantic trip instead, that, too, will work out really well.
If your birthday falls on May 18 plus or minus four days, you will feel the powerful, uplifting effect of this full moon. Similarly, if you have Taurus rising 28 degrees (or close to that degree), or a natal planet or moon at 28 degrees (plus or minus five degrees) in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you, too, will benefit.
Venus, your ruler, will be in Leo from July 11 to August 4, so when you come home from your travels, you will enter into an ideal time to do entertaining. This same period would be ideal for finding ways to embellish your home by adding plants or flowers, new accessories, or other touches to make it more enticing and modern.
A fantastic day for your career will be July 27 – a Wednesday – so don’t be away on vacation at then. Mercury will receive an electric beam from Uranus, so good news about your career will arrive suddenly and without any warning, because Uranus is the planet of surprise.
Uranus will go retrograde on July 29, and stay retrograde until December 29. This means your very best opportunities will happen now, prior to July 29. After Uranus starts retrograding, you will be wise to look at what professional choices you have made and see what projects are on your plate now – you will have a great chance to improve on the projects already in progress.
As you end the month and start thinking about August, it appears your home will gain much more of your attention then, as a sweet new moon is set to arrive August 2. It is one of the nicest ones of the year for you to make home-related progress. In the meantime, travel, and have a good time in July for this month, travel and romance are linked.
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